Forget Me Not (Loki's Amnesia)

Start from the beginning

"You can't do that Loki." The billionaire rolled his eyes swirling his drink as he said it.

"Can't I?" Loki bristled, unamused. "Tell [Name] the truth or so help me Tony -"

Tony's lips curved. He was enjoying this way too much. "Or what?" He taunted. "You'll erase the memories I've made with Pepper this year?" He gave a laugh before saying in the most sarcastic tone he could muster, "I am sooooo scared!"

Infuriated, Loki had already started the spell, muttering words under his breath. Becoming so caught up in his anger however, Loki, mis-said a part of the spell - something so small that in his rage, was left unnoticed. It seemed like something so small could be overlooked but with the power of Loki's spell, even the simplest of mistakes could take a turn for the worst, and that's exactly what this one did: backfire.

Loki thrust the spell at Tony but just before the green swirl of magic hit the billionaire, it paused midway before suddenly shooting back to Loki, striking him instead and throwing him o the floor.

The billionaires eyes widened when he saw Loki collapse. He ran to him, not really sure what to do with the unconscious God on his floor. "Holy shit! Loki? Loki wake up!" But Loki didn't move. Panicked, Tony called the only person he could. "Jarvis! Jarvis what's wrong with him?"

Jarvis answered immediately. "One moment sir." A blue scanner projected over Loki's body. Once Jarvis was done, he answered. "His vitals appear to be fine sir, but from the green illuminating him, I would assume that he struck himself with his own spell."

"So....does that mean that instead of me losing my memory with the spell that he threatened me with..." Tony thought aloud. "he was the one that now has lost his memory?"

"I believe so sir."

A sinister grin came on Tony's face at all the things that he could do about this. "Lokster wake up!" he called at the God again, shaking him a little more violently. At last, Loki started to wake up.

"What in Odin's name did you do to me this time?" Loki groaned, wincing as he sat up, a hand on his head.

The billionaire thought quickly.

"You have amnesia." He said, praying that Loki wouldn't know he was lying. Thankfully for him, Loki wasn't able to detect the lie from his spinning head.

"How did that happen... exactly?" Loki asked, groaning as he struggling to stand.

"You uh... hit your head really hard during a mission and you've, like, forgotten stuff."

"Unfortunately not you I see."

From the response, Tony blinked, shocked that Loki hadn't called him out on the lie. Loki was was excellent at detecting a lie, he always knew if someone was lying so how had he not caught Tony? Was he just trying to distract him so the God could kill him later?

Nervously, tony glanced to the side, his whole body tense as he still expected Loki to call him out on the lie but Loki still didn't mention anything. The gears in Tony's head started turning. If Loki couldn't detect Tony lying, that mean he could tell him anything and that Loki would believe him.

A wide smile spreading on his face as he thought of how much fun he could have with this. "What do you remember?" Tony asked, trying to calculate what ridiculous things he could make Loki believe. His smile only grew as Loki started repeating things that he remembered last year but nothing included yours and his relationship as friends. Loki remembered everything that had happened with you the first year but not the latest year.

You had been working for Tony and the rest of the Avengers for a little over two years, getting the job just before Loki was sent to Earth to carry out his sentence, so the two of you had known each other for some time. During the last year, Tony hoped to bring the two of you closer but you and Loki stayed good friends and nothing really progressed.

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