The Bleeping Jar

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Okay but

Steve needs to have a Swear Jar and every time someone says a profanity in front of him, he just holds it out. The especially bad ones cost two dollars, don't think Steve will let you get away with that. And this goes on for months and months and when Bucky starts coming around, he notices it. And he also notices how Steve doesn't swear in front of any of the Avengers

And when he gets Steve alone, he's like, "what gives, you've got the worst mouth out of anyone I know."

And Steve, with a perfectly innocent expression says, "they made assumptions, Buck. I think those assumptions should at least buy a new bike, don't you?"

And Bucky just stares at him, awed like, "I forgot how f-ing devious you are."

Your POV

"Holy Shit!" Clint screeched, in his own horror.

Moments later, boxes of cereal came tumbling from the cabinets.

Grumbling to himself, he gathered them in his arms before looking back and suddenly noticing Steve who was on the couch. Clint gave a sheepish look. "Sorry Steve."

Steve gave a weary raise of his head, continuing on his cross word puzzle on his "StarkPad" - which you constantly reminded Tony he couldn't rename.

You narrowed your eyes in thought, tapping your pen to your mouth before shaking your head, wanting to focus on your own activity. You muttered to yourself as you worked, continuing to organize and move around times and dates for the Avengers schedule this month, mainly for interviews and signing.

It was silent for a while before muffled yelling could be heard. The elevator buzzed and two angry looking Avengers stepped out. Nat and Tony were both scowling at each other, sending death by glares. When Tony saw you, he strutted forward.


You raised your head suddenly at your name, focusing on Tony who featured angrily to your best friend. "Please tell Natasha that it was her turn to feed the pets, and she totally didn't."

A scoff let Nat's mouth. "It was actually your turn Tony.

"It was not!"

"My God Tony!" Nat yelled, then looked to Steve, "Sorry." He nodded again but was still engrossed in his game. Without waiting a second, Nat turned to Tony again, her voice raised just as much as before "It was your turn! Just accept you made a mistake!"

"No! It was your turn and you're blaming it on me."

They both turned back to you, their angry faces making you shrink back a little in your chair.

"Can you please tell Nat that it's her fault?" Tony demanded.

She countered immediately. "Can you please tell Tony he's being a total dick? And needs to be responsible for a change?"

Before either could open their mouths again, you yelled. "Stop!"

They both breathed out their arguments, their fighting dying down. "Please!" You begged and finally they both stayed silent. "Thank you," you told them. "I have the schedule right here, let me just check." You gave them an expecting look before they both nodded. You flipped through your book, finally finding what you were looking for.

"Looks like...." Your finger slid under the schedule days for this week before landing on a name. "It's Tony's day."

"Shit." Tony cursed under his breath before looking over to Steve, "Sorry sorry, I forget."

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