Chapter 2: Things Start to Get Interesting

Start from the beginning

She had her eyes closed in contentment, but opened them back up in annoyment when I paused. She turned around and butted her head against my hand again to get my fingers working on her. Again, she made the snorting noise. I shrugged. Must be the ferret equivalent to purring?

After a good fifteen minutes, she seemed comfortable enough for me to pick her up and I place her around my neck, under the hoodie so she was hidden. She seemed to really enjoy lounging around my neck. In fact, as I lifted her towards my shoulder, she practically jumped under my hood to get comfortable. I chuckled and walked over to my backpack, putting it on.

Pepper (ignore girl): 

I opened my phone to the camera app to see my appearance

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I opened my phone to the camera app to see my appearance. At this point, I'm not surprised anymore. I'm 5 feet 5 inches, have turquoise-colored eyes, and PINK hair. Man, I hope this is just some twisted sense of humor and my hair is just dyed pink. What a color combo. My features remained the same, other than some dimension-traveling perks such as clear skin and slightly larger-than-normal eyes. Even though my body seemed delicate, I knew that after fifteen years as a swimmer (yes, I started swimming when I was 3 years old), one of the faster track team members throughout high school, and a skilled martial artist and archer, that I was far from helpless. I doubt archery or swimming will come in handy in this type of world, if this really IS the K Project world.

I headed towards the nearest convenience store as I was starving and so was Pepper. It seemed like an unusual app was downloaded onto my phone, which contained Yen. I could hover my phone above a machine and it would transfer the Yen to the machine as I bought the food I wanted. Funny, it seemed like there was quite a large amount of Yen stored in the app. Walking around the convenience store, I noticed something weird.

There were holograms floating around with prices and to purchase the news, it said to just hover your phone over it. It seemed like I could read and understand the text, even though it was in Japanese. I guess I also yelled at those boys back there in Japanese too.

Quickly scanning my newly purchased item (that downloaded and opened on my phone), there was something about the 10 year anniversary of the Kagutsu Crater Incident in the digital newspaper. Humming to myself, I found what I was looking for: the date.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed aloud, slightly startling Pepper as she woke up from her nap and hissed in my ear to complain. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and grinned sheepishly as other customers milling about stored at me.

One customer in particular, a boy around my age with a beanie and a skateboard stared at me as if to ask "What the hell is your problem?" But when he caught my eye his cheeks turned red and he looked away, saying nothing.

"Gomenasai." I slightly bowed my head towards those nearest to me. I walked out of that aisle to save myself from embarrassing myself further. I double checked the date on the newspaper, and it said October 18, 2009. 

Awww man, I'm too early in the timeline, somewhere around two or three years too early. I went 9 years back in "time," since I'm from 2018. However, I don't know why I'm worrying about time when I'm in a different universe and I have strange powers. Wait, if I remember correctly from the spin offs, isn't Anna captured and tortured by this deranged madman who wanted her to become the Blue King? When does that happen....

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