The End

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This really is the end. I'm not going to write a third book so don't ask. I've really enjoyed writing these two Caleo books, thank you to everyone who read, voted if commented. It really means a lot to me :') See epilogue below.

I might write a separate book about Will, but probably not. Leave comments if you'd be interested and I'll think about it.

Caleo - This New Guy At Camp...


Caleo - Finding Calypso

Previously titled 'Khione's Revenge'

By Copperitz

All rights for characters to Rick Riordan, author of Percy Jason and the Olympians series and Heroes of Olympus series.

Thanks for reading :)


6 Years Later

Leo looked up from the engine of the car parked in the garage. Calypso kept saying they should buy a new one but Leo was determined to make it work.

"Hey sweetheart." said Calypso, coming into the garage through the door that linked into the kitchen holding a mug. "You're mad you know, that thing just doesn't want to start."

"I will make it start." Leo promised setting down his wrench.

"You're nuts." Calypso said rolling her eyes.

"That's why you married me." Calypso smirked walking over and kissing his cheek.

Leo turned his head and caught the kiss on his lips, putting a hand up to her face.

Calypso gently pulled away.

"I just got a call from Frank." she said sadly.

"Has she gone?" Leo said and Calypso nodded.

Tristan McLean, was dead. Piper had spent the last week with him as he slowly drifted away.

"So Pipes has finally gone to be with Jason then?" Leo asked.


Both were silent for a minute.

"I made you coffee." Calypso declared brightly holding out the mug.

Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Um, thanks." he said taking the cup.

"I've got a dinner in the oven." Calypso said glancing at her watch, "Will you be finished in here in 10minutes."

"Yeah OK." Leo said returning to the engine.

Calypso made her way to the door.

"Calypso, I don't like coffee." Leo burst out.

Calypso stopped.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot" she said sounding flustered. She walked back to Leo and took the mug from him.

"Calypso are you feeling ok?" Leo asked looking worried. She'd been act a bit funny the last few days.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she said brightly. "Supper in 10, ok?"

Leo nodded and watched her walk towards the door, she got halfway before she stopped and turned.

"Actually Leo, I do feel a bit off. And I did yesterday to. In fact, I expect I will tomorrow as well." she admitted.

"Have you had any medicine? Do you want me to take you to the doctors?" Leo asked. She shook her head. "Calypso you're scaring me. You sure you'll be ok honey?"

"Yeah, it's quite natural." she assured him, "I expect I won't be feeling 100% again for about, ooh, 9 months."

Leo frowned after her as she turned to leave. She hesitated when she got to the door, like she was waiting for sonething.

The cogs in Leo's brain finally clicked in place.

"Calypso!" he cried.

She turned around, her face a picture if absolute joy as Leo ran to her and embraced her.

The End

Caleo - Finding CalypsoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz