8 / Plan of Action

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I was lying on the floor of yet another cave hide-out, with Festus curled up at the back of the cave sleeping (or re-charging, or just resting, he's a machine, brought to life by Piper, he's weird that way) studying a crumpled piece of paper I'd nicked from the printer in the town libruary.

At the top of the page I'd written one word:


I'm dyslexic, don't judge.

So now I just needed to figure out my 'plun'.

I chewed my pencil (also stolen) and thought deep thoughts.

Take his loved ones from him.

Make him feel alone, as I do today and every other day for all eternity

Take his loved ones from him. That's Annabeth I suppose. Percy loves her more than anything else in the world...

I scribbled the word:

An abeth???

On the page.

But now what do I do now? KILL her?!? KILL him?!?

At the moment, I'm camped out a few miles away from New York. It's risky to be so close to camp, I can't stay here long...

My fears were confirmed by the sudden sound if commotion outside the cave entrance. I heard the soft 'floof' of Pegasi landing lightly on the grassy bank outside the cave followed by the rattle of chartist wheels and the sound of voices.

Festus raised his head and creaked softly.

I hushed him and crept to well-hidden entrance of the cave to listen to what was going on outside.

There were voices, about 100feet away from the cave. If they came any closer, I was doomed.

I was sure they were half-bloods, probably a search party... for me. My fears were confirmed when I heard what they were saying:

"We can't keep searching, it's almost dark." (I recognise the voice, someone from the Athena cabin?)

"No, we need to keep searching, he's been missing for weeks now. Gods knows what possessed him to run away!" (crap, Percy)

"Percy, relax. We WILL find him, but Malcolm's right, we can't keep searching all night." (double crap, Annabeth)

"We'll stay here tonight then? And keep searching in the morning" (the first voice again, who was it Annabeth had said, Malcolm?)

I shifted my weight slightly. A few small stones shifted.

"What was that?" (Annabeth)

"Don't know, you stay here, I'll check it out." (Percy)

S***, I could here Percy climbing over the rocks towards the cave, any closer and he'd see the entrance.

"Festus?" I hissed , "stay here buddy, OK?"

I slipped out of the cave entrance and clambered over rocks away from the cave.

I couldn't see Percy or any of the others, there was a group of trees that hid the cave, they were probably just behind the trees.

I slipped in among the trees and, keeping low, crept forward.

I could see them! Annabeth and her half brother, Malcolm, were building a fire and unpacking what looked like tents from the flying chariot.

Percy was quietly coming towards the trees which hid the cave, my hiding place.

I could 't let him find Festus, or me!

I scooped up a pebble off the ground at my feet, a hurled it to my left.

It flew through the air and landed with a soft 'thud' about 50feet to my left.

Percy stopped and then turned to look in the direction the pebble had landed.

"Annabeth," he called, "you come with me. Malcolm, guard the camp. Something's not right."

Both nodded and Annabeth began to pick her way across the stony ground to where Percy was standing.

Suddenly she stumbled, and let out a gasp of pain.

"Annabeth!" Percy cried.

"I'm fine..." she said through gritted teeth.

Percy abandoned the search me and quickly went to her side. Annabeth leant on him reluctantly and limped back to the chariot.

"Sprained ankle." Malcolm said after examining her foot. " you stay here, I'll go with Percy."

Annabeth reluctantly agreed and the two boys jogged away, weapons at the ready.

I stared. Wasn't this what I needed? She was on her own.

Take his loved ones from him.

What in Hades am I supposed to do?

A/N - OK, wee bit of a cliff-hanger there, sorry guys. This chapter was getting quite long and I wanted to get another chapter posted.

I haven't updated in ages, sorry!

Thanks for reading guys - I love you so much!!!

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