9 / Kidnap

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Annabeth was slowly pulling the tents out if the chariot. Every minute or so, she pauses and leans on the chariot, taking the weight off her ankle.

The minutes tick by, I'm wasting time!

What do I do.

What do I do?

I quietly tiptoed back through the trees to the cave.

Festus was still curled up at the back of the cave.

"Festus," I whispered, "I need you to distract her, 'K? I'll sneak round behind her and I'll..."

I'll do what?

I will do everything in my power to avoid hurting anyone...

But what else can I do?

Take his loved ones from him...

Hmm... I wonder-

"Percy!" a voice just outside the cave shouted, "There's a cave here, we should check it out."

Damn! While I was busy worrying over my own problems, Percy and Malcolm had searched around the camp and discovered the entrance to my hide-out.

I could here footsteps, Percy and Malcolm climbing over the rocks outside the cave.

Thinking quickly, I sprinted to the back of the cave and vaulted onto Festus' back.

There was no need to collect possessions, I have known. The paper and pencil, my attempts at a plan, lie forgotten on the floor.

As if he can read my mind, Festus bounds to the entrance to our cave hide-out and launches himself out into space with me clinging desperately to his back.

I briefly register Percy jumping back and yelling in shock.

Festus swoops over the clump of trees and the camp.

Annabeth is desperately trying to stop the terrified pegasi from bolting.

"Festus!" I shout, "turn around! We have to go back!"

It's too good a chance to miss - all I have to do is, is... do what needs to be done, and I could get the information from Nemesis in a few days time and then rescue Calypso.

Festus circles round and swoops down towards the camp.

I block out all thoughts from my head.

Just think of Calypso.

Don't think of anything else.

Do anything to get her back. Anything.

Festus lands with a gentle thud and I am already on the ground and running.

Percy is running towards me.

"LEO!" he yells, "Leo it's OK! We're here for you whatever it is, let us help!"

You don't understand

I think angrily.

You can't understand. I don't trust anyone else enough to help me rescue her. What if you messed up? What if she died? What if you died? You don't even remember she exists!

I keep running, blindly. Festus landed between the cave and the trees, if I can get through the trees to the camp...

Festus takes a swipe at Malcolm, he dodges but looks shocked.

Percy dodges Festus and keeps running after me.

"Leo?" he shouts now uncertain.

Festus exhales a bolt of flame at Malcolm he rolls to the side and draws his sword.

Percy is drawing on me, he's too fast, he'll catch me before I can get to Annabeth.

I burst into the trees. 20feet to the camp. 15.

Percy grabs my shoulder.

"Leo! For Hades sake stop!"

I break his grip on my shoulder and spin around to stop him, my hands raised.

I feel the fire race through my blood and feel my fingered grow... warm?

I scowl and focus, my fingers burst into flames.

Percy skids to a stop, facing me, warily.

"Leo," he says steadily, "calm down, I don't want to have to hurt you-"

"You? Hurt me? Don't come any closer, I swear I'll, I'll, you don't understand!"


I let out a yell of frustration, he doesn't understand! The flames erupt from my hands and fly in all directions.

Percy yells and dives to the side.

"Percy?!" Annabeth yells, she is stumbling towards us, limping.

The trees burst into flames, smoke pours into the sky.

"Get away from me!" I yell, suddenly scared, "I don't want to have to hurt you!"

Take his loved ones from him

Nemesis' words whirl round my head.

I sprint through the burning trees. I hear Festus take off, glided towards the flaming trees.

He lands in the camp, terrifying the pegasi.

I dodge to the left and am face to face with Annabeth, she's coughing, spluttering in the smoke.

"Leo" she coughs, "help...!"

I stare at her, she stumbles and I find myself catching her, slipping her arm over my shoulder, supporting her out of the trees to the grassy camp area.

Festus turns in my direction, he lopes towards me.

Annabeth coughs, leaning on me.

"Annabeth!" I hear Percy shouting, he's on the far side of the burning trees.

Take his loved ones from him.

Take his loved ones from him.

"Forgive me." I say, pulling a wrench from my belt and swiftly knocking Annabeth over the head with it.

She goes limp on my arms and I drag her to Festus.

He lowers his back to help me heave her onto his golden shoulders.

"ANNABETH!" Percy yells.

He's through the trees now and is sprinting towards me and Festus.

But he's too late.

Festus launches himself into the air.

I struggled to keep the unconscious Annabeth from slipping off Festus' back.

I was surprised to find that I was crying.

My only friends are after me, not to try and helps now, but to stop me.

Take his loved ones from him.


Later that night, I was sitting in an abandoned house. Festus was outside, watching for danger.

Annabeth is sleeping on an old rug I found.

She's breathing. Thank Hephaestus.

I've come to the conclusion, that I don't have to kill anyone, I've kidnaped Annabeth, the person Percy cares for most.

I remember her when Percy was missing...

She'll wake up in the morning probably, with a very sore head.

I leave her on the bottom floor and go out to talk to Festus. I sit on the ground beside him.

"I'll have to try and explain when she wakes up I suppose." I say wearily.

Festus creaked sympathetically.

"How did we manage to get into such a mess Festus?" I say suddenly close to tears. "How?"

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