15 / Dream Land

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I was in Bunker 9, working with a few wires, elastic bands and a couple if other bits and bobs I found under my private workbench at the back of Bunker 9. Not trying to make anything in particular, just letting my hands work. Bunker 9 is where I come when I want some Leo Time on my own, some time just to think everything through...

"Leo?" a voice close behind me said.

I jumped about a foot in the air, knocking things off the bench, and whirled around to face whoever it is behind me.

It was Calypso. Dressed in a white shirt and jeans with her chestnut hair pulled back in a loose pony tail.

"Wow! Take a chill pill!" she laughed.

I relaxed and leant back against my bench. She jumped up a sat on an upturned wooden crate opposite me.

"Any particular reason why you're here?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"No-one else was around. I was bored."

I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" she asked.

"Oh nothing! Just that I was the only person available that day you wanted to be shown around camp. And the only person in the forges when you came to get your sword's grip changed. And the only person only person in the Hephaestus Cabin when you came in to ask if anyone was free to practice in the arena. If I didn't know better, I would say you keep trying to get me alone."

"Don't flatter yourself Valdez." she rolled her eyes, "I still hate you."

I grinned. She looked so beautiful sitting there with her legs crossed. Little strands of hair were escaping from her ponytail.

She shifted her wait slightly on the wooden crate and it creaked loudly.

"What are you making?" she asked.

"Nothing in particular, just messing around with some old bits of scrap I found." I relied easily.

"Here on your own? Why didn't you just go to the forges?"

"What is this, 20 questions?" I joked, "I just wanted some time on my own to think things through."

"What kind of th- Ahh!" Calypso yelled as the top of the crate she was sitting on broke and she fell into it.

I practically fell onto the floor laughing.

"Not funny!" she said trying to sound exasperated but giggling a little.

"D'you want a hand?" I asked once I'd managed to stop laughing.

"No, I'm ok." She said, trying to climb back out of the box and failing.

"Here let me help." I said, taking her hand and trying to pull her up.

"I can do it!" she insisted.

I gave a final pull and she managed to push herself up and out of the box.

I stumbled backwards and she tumbled after me.

Suddenly we were standing facing each other, incredibly close.

"Thanks." she breathed.

"It's ok. I'm always free to help a pretty young lady." I answer.

After a pause she said,

"Leo. When you, joke with me, and, flit with me..." she drifted off like she was unsure what to say next.

I wasn't ready for this. I didn't know what to say.

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