2 / Goddess Hunting

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By the next morning the storm had blown itself out. The sea was still except for the occasional ripple caused by the wind. The sun rose, turning the sea red but Festus and I were long gone. 

We sored over mountains and lakes. The sunlight reflected off Festus’ golden wings. We were totally alone.

As we flew, I went over everything that had happened to me over the last 2 and half weeks in my head. The first few nights, no plan, no safe house, just anger. Then my brain had kicked in. I’d gone through my mental checklist that I used for sorting out problems:

Problem? – Calypso, the thing I love most in this world, was missing.

Why? РBecause that *%8(5=*ӣ (insert your word of choice) Summer somehow banished here.

How? – Hmm… Good question, how did one girl manage to make the daughter of a titan disappear and wipe everyone’s memories so that no-one would remember she existed? Conclusion – she had help.

What can I do? – Right now, nothing because I ran away without any plan, any supplies, in fact, I don’t really have anything except a dragon and my magic tool belt. Great! (Sarcastic).

Conclusion – I need to find out who helped Summer so I can get me girlfriend back.

Except she isn’t really my girlfriend, she’s more than that. She’s part of me, and without her I’m slowly dying. 

Then I began to work it out, who would have the power to steal everyone’s memories of Calypso? Surely only a god or titan, or maybe Gaia, could do that.

So who, out of that group of people would want her out of my life? Gaia, because we’d forced her back to sleep? Hera, she’d done it before after all but why do it to me?

Then it clicked, who had I met before who was always willing to help get revenge? Who wouldn’t care who got hurt? It didn’t matter who was involved, so long as someone got revenge. Nemesis.

And so, I’d spent the last few days looking for a goddess. I couldn’t exactly march up to Olympus and demand to see Nemesis. The camp had been looking for me, if I went up to Olympus they’d know, they’d take me back to camp. The best they would do would be organise a quest to try and find her. 

But I didn’t want that. I had this feeling that if I didn’t find her no-one would.

So I’d have to do it on my own. I’ve never been good at remembering the ancient Greek myths. My first step had been to head into town, hide Festus somewhere for a while, and ‘borrow’ so books from a library about the gods. Nothing.

Then I tried typing ‘Nemesis-Greek Mythology’ into google at the libruary computors but couldn’t get anything helpful. Then I asked the librarian. Nothing.

Now desperate, I tried the computers again and this time, something came up about ‘Nemesis Private Detectives Firm'. It was a long shot, what could a group of Private Detectives have to do with an out of control goddess?

But it was worth a shot, I typed it into google maps and hit enter.

The computor whirred and buzzed and crashed.

I hit the keyboard in frustraision, it's been so long since I handeled one of these death-traps, that I've forgotten how they work.

There's hardly any technology at camp, because when we use it, it acts like a beacon for monsters. 

Talking of which...

I glanced out the window. I'd been here for a bout an hour, surely some kind of monster should have attacked by now?

 The computor whizzed back into life.

I sent a slient thanks to Hephestus, and got back to work.

A map of the world popped up and *&^%$"£ (censored)! There were only four 'Nemesis Private Detective Frim' offices world wide!

Don't get me wrong, there was on in the US, but, of course, it was in  Los Angeles and I was in Philadelphia.

I heard a scream from the street outside the libruary.

Cursing every type of moster I could think of I hit 'print', grabbed the freshly printed map showing the exact location of my new destination and bolted for the door.

I  dodged through the maze of book shelves and skidded to a halt in front of the double doors that lead out onto the street.

A tall, slender, very beautiful woman stood in the doorway.

She turned and a smile formed on her crimson lips, but it didn't quite reach her cold eyes.

"Leo Valdez!" Khione hissed, "So nice to see you again."

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