13 / What More Do You Want

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The sun was setting as we walked out of the city and began to climb the hills towards our camp, which is hidden in a thick clump of trees at the top of the hill so we could look out over Los Angeles.

As we walked, we talked (he he, that rhymes...)

"I saw her, I swear!"

"Leo, it was probably the mist! So Atlas can distract you from finding her."

"I KNOW it was her! Honestly Annabeth, I'd know her face anywhere!"


"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Atlas must have her, that's what Nemesis' book means. It's an atlas, so she's being held prisoner by her father, Atlas."

"No! Why would Nemesis give her to Atlas?!"

"Because she's abandoned him and is now on the gods' side. Nemesis is the goddess of revenge idiot! It's called 'killing two birds with one stone'. By kidnapping Calypso and sending her to be punished by her father, Summer gets her revenge on Calypso because she hates Calypso because you love Calypso, not Summer."

"Don't say that name to me!"

"At the same time, Atlas can hurt Calypso and get his revenge on her for leaving him and by hurting her, he hurts you. And by hurting you, he hurts all your friends."


"Leo, don't get all upset, please. I didn't mean that I think he's hurt her badly or anything... He is trapped under the sky, how much can he do to her when he has no power?"

Not convinced, I continued walking in silence. I could feel tears threatening to fall.

What if Atlas has got Calypso?

What could her be doing to her right now?

If he hurts her in any way, I am going to make him wish he'd never been born!

Annabeth tried to comfort me, but I just ignored her.

I'd been so sure the lady wearing the cloak had been Calypso! She'd looked so like her! But if Annabeth's theory was right, Atlas had Calypso. And could be torturing her now as we waste time here arguing!

I rubbed my hand together, trying to warm them up. I've had my fire powers for so long, I'd almost forgotten what it feels like to be cold. I almost tried summoning fire, but remembered how it had almost not worked the last time I'd tried doing that. I was scared to try now, in case it didn't work again. I couldn't face the idea that I seemed to be loosing my powers.

"Shh, what was that?" Annabeth said suddenly.

We stopped and both listened.

"I can't hear anything." I said irritably.

"Neither can I." she admitted, "I just thought...."

"Well don't! I'm trying to concentrate. How would you feel if I'd just told you that Percy's been captured by Kronos and he's going to be tortured or something and there's nothing you can do about it?!"

I immediately regretted saying anything. I'd forgotten how Percy had been missing all those mothers before we went to Greece. Poor Annabeth has been worried out if her mind.

I guess this is how Percy must feel now, with Annabeth missing.

Way to go Leo. I congratulate myself. How in Hades did you manage to get yourself into this mess?!

I blame Nemesis. Without her none of this would have happened.

Annabeth didn't say anything. Just gave me a death-look.

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