Brighter Day

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I stepped out of the airport into the hot California air. I never been on this side of the US being as though I was born and raised in Miami.

My mom moved me and my 7 year old little brother, Hakeem, to Compton after finally leaving the abusive relationship she was involved in for a little over 5 years.

I'm happy my mom left that crazy ass nigga Jerome. She's been through it with her fair share of bad relationships. Her and my dad were high school sweethearts and they had me at the age of 15. My dad was a hustler who had to provide for me and my mom because my grandma put my mom out when she found out she was pregnant.

Long story short my dad got booked for killing somebody and will be in jail for what seems like forever. Hakeem's dad was killed in a car crash and Jerome was kinda like moms shoulder to cry on while she was grieving the death of my brothers father. He treated her like the queen she was for the first year, but he started drinking more and more and became abusive.

When my mom was finally fed up and realized we deserved better, she got a job transfer and bought a house in Compton and here we are.

We loaded all of our luggage up in an Uber van and were now on our way to the new house.

"I'm gonna go shopping for a car once we get settled into the house. For now I guess we'll use Uber to get around." My mom said to me. I was staring out the window admiring all the palm trees and the clear sunny sky.

All the houses looked all nice and the neighborhoods looked like there was nothing but famous celebrities living in them. It was like that for about 20 minutes until the driver turned down a back street.

Now don't get me wrong, all the houses were still beautiful, but this looked like the trenches. It was kids running around half naked throwing water balloons. I saw a lawn with some middle aged men playing cards. The next street over I saw about 8 street looking niggas standing around a porch.

I hoped we just had to pass this part of the city to get to where our house was, but the Uber driver pulled over and my mom turned to me and Hakeem with an excited look on her face.

"We're home!" She said opening the car door. Me and keem looked at eachother with that "you gone tell her or should I" look.

"Come help me with these bags!" She yelled from the trunk. We hopped out the car and went to help her.

"Mom this is where we're staying?" I asked. This is not the California I imaged my whole life. I imaged beaches on every block and models walking around everywhere.

"Yes isn't this block so beautiful. Look at the lawns full of green grass." I had to say this block looked way better than our old one in Miami which consisted of dirt lawns with patches of uneven grass and old looking houses.

I looked over and the boys who were down the street were now staring our way. I hurried and grabbed my bags while walking in the house.

The house was pretty big for it to be just the three of us. I had just graduated high school and now I'm taking the year off to figure out what I want to do in life. I'm also gonna help with my brother because my mom works some crazy hours with being a firefighter.

It wasn't hard for my mom to get a transfer to California with all the wildfires that have been happening. She gets called into work anytime and sometimes has to work 30 hour shifts.

There was a bunch of boxes in the main hallway that were shipped here from our old house. I made two trips up and down the stairs putting the boxes in the rooms they were meant to be in.

"Nelly this is your room." My mom pointed to the door. I opened it to see a purple painted room with a grey bed with crystals on it. I looked closer and there was a switch on the bed that makes the headboard light up. This was nice.

I pulled out the box with my freshly washed bed sheets. I pulled out the contents of the box and made my bed up. I hung the photo of purple flowers up above my bed and rolled out my area rug. Liking the way everything was positioned, I nodded in approval and took out my phone to take a picture.

I threw my body onto the bed and stared at the ceiling

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I threw my body onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. This is the start to my new life.
AUTHORS MESSAGE 💕 ps I ended that kinda corny sorry.

How do you guys like the first official chapter?

I love Roddy Ricch and wanted to make a story about him because I couldn't find any on Wattpad. I'm a first time writer so bare with me please 🙌🏾

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