"Caught me," Rose replied. "You could at least say I suck at lying, Dad."

"Don't take it so hard—it's a compliment. These boys. Are they your friends now?"

Rose laughed uneasily and felt flustered. "No, we're not there yet," she responded. Internally debating what to tell him, she waited a moment. Only because this was her father did she decide to elaborate. "Dad, can you follow me into the living room? There's something I need to explain to you."

Henry nodded steadily. "Of course," he whispered in his quiet, calming tone. He had always been there for her, even in the darkest moments of her past. When once she had lost control, he never did.

She told him everything. Johnny's change into some kind of superhuman. Each of the guys, Jane, how they met each other, and, of course, including Johnny's encounter with the mysterious stranger in the alley. Once she had finished explaining, he spoke up.

"I have heard a lot of crazy stories, but that has to be the craziest ever told."

"Do you believe me?" she asked.

"Of course, I believe you," he replied, "but I have one question."

"Uh, huh?"

"Did you tell them?" he asked.

Her face went deadpan. It was too big of a secret, and if they found out, who knows what could happen? "No, I didn't," she said. "I'll need to think about it for a while. What do you think?"

"It's your decision to make," Henry said. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable. You know, they don't have to know at all."

Rose nodded. "I guess that's the best advice I can get right about now," she sighed.

He smiled and sat on the bed, right next to her. "How about we turn that frown upside down with some late-night waffles? How's that sound?"

She shook her head. "How do you always know what's perfect for me?"

Chuckling, he replied, "Let's just say it's my job to know." With that, they went into the kitchen to enjoy a late-night snack.

* * *

"Dude, it was so awesome! I was running and everything was so fast and—"

"Johnny!" interrupted Dustin.


"Slow down! Can't you explain it slower?" Sam added. "I want to gobble this info up properly."

"Oh, sorry," Johnny apologized. "Still getting used to this."

"Talking about 'this,' any idea when we might get ours?" Dustin replied.

"You mean your powers?" Johnny asked.

"Duh," quipped Ryan.

Johnny frowned and looked across the room at Ryan, who gazed moodily out of the window. "Since when are you contributing to this conversation?"

Ryan did not respond.

"He's dreaming about his girlfriend. Leave him alone," Dustin said.

"Yeah, he'll be fine," added Sam.

Ryan looked over and took out his phone to text his mother. "Look, guys, I got to go. My mom's not going to like it if I'm home much later. It's only because of Johnny boy that I came all the way over here."

"Thanks, bro. Have a good one," Johnny called across the small apartment.

"See you later Ryan," added Dustin.

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