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So I'm trying writing again and I don't know what the Title should be and here is a preview of what it's about. Comments please!

Percy 3rd POV

Percy was on his way back from school, quietly
driving while his mom and Paul talked in the back.
Him and Annabeth broke up after the war, saying how with their kind of lives it would be easier to not have that big of an emotional anchor that's a demigod. It was Annabeth's words that kept repeating in his head.
"I love you so much, but as a demigod I need to let go. Sooner than later Seaweedbrain."
He thought it was all crap but he respected her decision. When they moved to Paul's house it was different, like his room was too big. So much room for mess to pile. Another thing was that it was super far from the school, but the bus stop was even further, so he just walked declining the nagging from Paul tot just go with him.
Percy continued to think as he pulled up into the driveway he noticed the car leaking leaving small drips behind.
'Well that's just great' he sarcastically thought
"Hey Mom I'll be inside soon, just gotta fix a leak!" He yelled out
"Okay! Be careful!" " she walked inside with Paul.
Percy got to work screwing the things in place when gasoline sprayed all over him.

Percy 1st POV
Ew, I think I triggered something, it got all over me, even in my mouth. I took my shirt off and grabbed the box of tools from the back. I just had to screw a few things in.

Time skip

It took longer then I expected, I began messing with it totally absorbed in my own little world.
Faint noises came but I brushed them off.
Suddenly pain shot through me, I vibrated against the engine screws falling out, the metal banging on my head, I saw blood starting to blossom as my world faded to black.

Doctors rushed to the boy poking him, injecting, stitching, so many crowding around all busy with a different inch of his body, until they got him stable. As Percy Jackson was in a coma.

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