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We were led into the facility which was disguised as a cave. Inside it was a lot more modern than we could have imagined. There were corridors leading off in different directions. "This was an old cave that we've modernised and reinforced with beams. Each corridor leads off into different sections of the cave into what would ultimately be different rooms. There are training facilities and computer rooms, leisure lounges and sleeping quarters. Many different kitchens with many different chefs." Allen explained as we followed along one of the corridors.
He led us to a big round room which held a table in the centre of the room. "Lina, this is Adam, my brother. And his companion, Cattleya." Lina smiled at us and nodded her head.
"Wheres the other one? Did you take her into custody?" Lina asked Allen, most likely referring to Casey. "She ran away. "Cat responded before Allen could.
This brought me back to Casey having run away like that. Why had she run away when she saw my brother? Did she know him?
Allen mentioned that Casey was a spy, but that cant be. I knew Casey, she wouldnt be a spy. Shes one of us.
"Allen, why did you say Casey was a spy?" I asked, no longer able to contain my confusion and need for answers." She is Adam, shes working for the government. I met her on my way here, I didnt know who she was until- " he drifted off, looking uncomfortable and uncertain about whether he wanted to finish what he was saying.
He looked at me for a moment and I could see the wheels turning. He stepped closer and put his hand on my shoulder. His facial expression changed, and I felt a slight pushing inside my head. It was subtle, but it was there.
He pulled away and smiled." Youre telekinetic? "He asked me. I was stunned briefly "How- how did you"  I stammered. Allen laughed " Well, now I can tell you I guess. I can read energies. Sometimes, if I really concentrate, I can read minds too. " "So, you were reading my mind?" I frowned at him slightly irritated and felt like Id been invaded. "No, I was reading your energy. To see if youd respond to my news well. I wouldnt want you running off before I had a chance to explain everything."
"Explain what? Why you ran away? Why you left me with those monsters and came," I looked around, briefly, at our surroundings and sighed "here." I finished.
I couldnt believe I was here, with a brother I thought was kidnapped or died. He was standing in front of me, healthy, happy. "Do you even know what I went through?" I asked him, hurt that he hadnt thought to take me with him.
"Adam," Allen said softly, taking my hand gently and leading me to a chair by the table. The other people in the room were having their own conversations and Lina and Cat stood off to the side to give us a little privacy. Theyd gotten into a conversation of their own about the events that had happened.
"I left because I had to. I was starting to develop my powers and at first, they were so unpredictable. I didnt know what was happening to me, but I knew that I needed to get out of that house before the thoughts became actions. I could hear him Adam. I could hear the twisted wheels grinding in his thick skull." He was referring to the step-monster.
"The night I left, that afternoon I went to the kitchen to get a water out of the fridge. He sat there, and I heard him think I cannot wait to get that witch trashed so that I could lay my hands on these pathetic kids. Look at him, worthless waste of money and time. They need to be taught a lesson from a real man. Their daddy wouldnt teach them shit, so I will. The images that I was seeing, my bloody face splattered on the floor, bones broken and there would be no one to save us. Nobody to help." He explained solemnly.
I was livid, my blood boiled as I listened to him describing what had happened to me a mere few weeks after hed left. "And you didnt think to take me with you? You didnt think to tell me Allen?" I spat.
"What could I have said that you would have believed? Youre older than I am Adam. You can take care of yourself, youre strong and I never was. I was never able to defend myself. I knew that youd be okay. Im sorry Adam, but I would have died after a brutal beating like that." His eyes looked remorseful. He looked sincere in his apology and as much as I hated what hed done, I dont blame him. I was just so happy that he was alive.
"Why didnt you at least keep in contact with me? Why didnt you come see me when they had left?" I asked. "I tried, I went back every few months to check up on you to see if you were doing okay. After the first few months I noticed that I was right and that you survived a lot better than I could have. I knew then that I couldnt risk you seeing me because you might tell them Im alive and the search might have gone on. "
I nodded my head, knowing well enough that he was right, it is exactly what I would have done. He was my little brother I wouldve done anything to find him." I saw you a few months back, reading a book in the woods near the school." He smiled "I knew someone was watching me." I laughed now thinking back at how afraid I was that someone would turn me in for reading and illegal book.
"So how did you survive all these years? " I asked. "Well, with my developing powers I was able to discern when there would be bread discarded at the bakery and got into stealing food. " He chuckled, "for years I was living under abandoned shelters until one day, I came across a girl wondering around, she was about my age sixteen or seventeen, but she didnt look like she was doing so well. She kept rambling on about the government, about bombs and the end of the world as we know it. I didnt know why I believed her, maybe it was her energy telling me that it was true.
I followed her and came across a group of teenagers that didnt look like they belonged in the city. Reading their minds, I realised I was right. They were from this island. I knew theyd accept me if I approached them. Ive been living here ever since.
Anyway, here we are. In the facility of the greatest rebellion known to man. And we have a plan on stopping the UN. There are a few kinks to work out, but in a few years, well be ready to take them out."
"What?" Cats eyes were wide as she overheard the last of what Allen was telling me. "We dont have a few years Allen. We need to infiltrate now. They've already put another phase into motion. "
Everyone in the room turned to her as she said this, a hush fell over the room like a blanket. A man from the back spoke up "what next phase are you talking about?" he asked. "Well," she said quietly "they've taken all the children."

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