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On the third day of sitting under that shelter, we’d decided it was time to move on. Although Gunner wasn’t fully recovered, the medication Adam brought was good enough that it had at least made him mobile.

We stole a transport van that had been left abandoned, probably during the bombings, which have ceased in this town. There was nothing left to bomb and not a soul was in sight. The place was an irreparable catastrophe. We would have left sooner but the weather wouldn’t let up, storm after turbulent storms had prevented us from even leaving the safety of our shelter, and we were running out of food.

It had given us time to discuss a plan of action, we would get a ferry and cross the treacherous sea to the island. It was precarious to travel in such weather especially via the waters, but we had little choice.

Gunner was the only one of the three of us who had learned to drive, so he was behind the wheel of the van and drove us to the place where we would get the ferry. Upon arrival of the next town, which hadn’t been very far from the first, we were faced with the ruin of another town.

Guilt overcame me as I thought about how I could have prevented this had I found Alora sooner, or had she found me. If I hadn’t wasted my time on school projects, thought about the seriousness of it all, everything would not have been demolished.

Gunner made a left toward the ocean and we were fortunate to find a ferry still tied to the dock. The docks were uninhabited. Gunner untied the ferry as we got on, he then went to steer the boat toward the island along the horizon.

The clouds looked gloomy overhead, and I was starting to fear that we wouldn’t make it across alive, “Gunner, can this boat go any faster? I’m afraid we’re going to be right in the middle of the storm soon.” I shouted over the roar of the thunder.

The winds were violent and unforgiving as our boat barely stayed afloat. Adam and I were inside the cabin to get away from the sting of the salt water splashing on the deck. We held onto the frame as objects were flung from one end to the other. Holding on for dear life as the ferry toppled to its’ left side and then its’ right, rocking back and forth and nearly losing balance.

Heading for the eye of the storm, the winds pounded against our boat, attempting to throw us out in mid-air. We held on tighter as the boat went under water several times. I’m surprised the ferry held up for this long. I looked out into the dark mist and could scarcely see the island. We were close, but the storm was right on top of us, worsening the closer we got to the island.

Dark silhouettes of the mountains straight ahead were all that was visible to us. Adam reached out to hold my hand as we braced ourselves for another merciless wave. Gunner seemed to be struggling holding onto the wheel as he tried to steer us to safety.

Suddenly, there was the biggest gust of wind that lifted the boat, straight out of the water, and gave us one hard push in the air. I was sure that we were on the road to our deaths when just as abruptly, we landed on the waters with a loud crack, and the sky was unexpectedly clear.

Not a cloud was in sight, I looked up astonished at the sight. Behind us the storm raged on, but it was as if it had spit us out. Ahead of us was the island, separated from the treacherous weather surrounding it. The seas were calm, the waves lapped the shores serenely. Our ferry came to a stop on the beach. We stepped off and were staggered by the lush green forest, and just beyond, a castle. The most beautiful I had ever seen with a path that led directly to it.

Gunner, Adam and I went over our plan again. Adam and I would head for the dungeons, while Gunner confronted the president. He was stronger than both of us and had more experience with fighting. Adam and I would sneak in, steal the keys to the cells and unlock our friends and family.

I hope my dad is still alive, I thought to myself. We headed up the pathway, staying hidden among the trees in case anybody was observing the path for any traffic. We needed to remain incognito, we needed the element of surprise to be successful, or we were doomed. We were only three, and with our powers combined, it would not be enough. Gunner had no supernatural power, according to him. So, all we had was his brute strength and Adams ability to freeze everything in his sights, barring the few he allowed not to be frozen, if he focused hard enough, he was able to freeze a whole building of people. Adam was tremendously powerful.

Alora and Gunner have both said that I have a greater power besides my visions that I have yet to unleash, so far, I’ve felt nothing. The visions I did have were usually triggered by adrenaline and danger. I hadn’t felt the onset of another power. In our daily sessions, Alora had told me that my other power was hidden behind my visions, my visions were just easier to access. Therefore, I hadn’t felt that I had another power, but when it would be unlocked, it would be greater than any other power known to man. I had my doubts since she had told me this.

This situation we were going into was certainly dangerous, and the adrenaline already flowing through me I am hoping would come in handy if things go awry.

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