"You're my best friend. Ain't nobody taking your spot." Tripp said matter of fact before pecking Ivi's lips firmly

Ivi smiled. "Better not. But you know what I mean. Baby steps."

Tripp nodded. "I'll try. But now with this nigga talking about moving you..like putting distance between us is gonna make me stop seeing you. He could move your ass to Alaska, I'd move there too!" Tripp said with no reprove.

Ivi had been in limbo, thinking about what Detective Chalmers said. She didn't agree with the fact that he thought she hadn't made a significant amount of progress. No way would she be in school, working, developing meaningful relationships both socially and personally, or start to become the grounded woman she was had it not been for her being there with Mama A, Aleen, Renna or Tripp.

But she couldn't help but wonder was all of the things she attained really good for her in the long run or would it all turn out bad? Like always...

She didn't want to think about it and decided to change the subject. "So you're saying you moved back home because of me?" Ivi asked, eyebrows arched. She kinda already knew the answer to that question. She just wanted confirmation. Not that knowing that made the situation better, or worse.

As Tripp gripped her waist, before running his big hands up and down her round butt, she got her answer. "What you think?"

Ivi bit her bottom lip, trying to focus. "I think you need to find Tucker tomorrow and give him a real apology."

"I will." Tripp replied, not stopping his ministrations.

Ivi cleared her throat. "Ha.have you seen Paula since that incident?"

"Thankfully, no. I saw her son one day though and beat his ass."

"What? Why?" Ivi asked looking up at him surprised.

"Cause that nigga was talking mad shit one day on social media. Put a picture up of his mama and that nigga with captions that said 'his parents this...my daddy that...'. . Old ass pictures of when they were together like 10-15 years prior. Like dude let the fantasy die like that fake ass relationship did." Tripp ranted.

Ivi chuckled. "Sounds like you were jealous."

Tripp scoffed. "Call it what you want. I may not like the nigga but he ain't none of dude's fucking daddy! He birthed three kids and ain't none of them was from Paula's pussy!" Tripp ranted. "Anyway. I was out shopping for a birthday gift for my momma. Dude was in the mall the same day. I went straight to his ass to set him straight and you know he had the nerve to tell me that I was mad that nigga chose him over me for a son?!" Tripp shook his head. "I lost it and beat the dog shit out him.

Ivi shook her head. "Jealous, yes! Sounds just like something you would do. Hot tempered ass."

"He was talking slick shit. Had to put him in his place with his cocky ass." Tripp shrugged.

Ivi laughed and got comfortable against Tripp's chest again, mumbling what she thought was to herself.

Ivi squealed with how fast Tripp pushed her up, looking deep in her eyes. "What did you just say?"

Ivi squinted her eyes. "...I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did!" Tripp said strongly. "You just said something along the lines of 'Sonny has always been cocky huh?'"

Ivi slightly giggled. "Oh. I said son of a bitch sounds cocky huh. But I thought I said that to myself." Ivi shrugged. "I bet he's not cocky anymore."

Ivi laid back atop Tripp, nonchalantly. Was she purposely dismissing the comment because she thought Tripp would catch her in a lie, or was it really not important to her? Tripp subsequently went with the former...because he hated to think that Ivi was lying to him.

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