27| Baby Proof

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"Why not travel the world?" Sans suggested with a grin. "I heard that's what people do that for self-discovery or something? You're pretty much loaded so you can go and do that."

Outer hummed in thought of his suggestion before shrugging.

"Probably another time."

"Get a new hobby then?"

"Nah, not up to it."

"Prank the fuck out of everyone?"

Outer snorted. "I think we already did that one."

"Go get a boyfriend?"

Outer stops to stare at him before shaking his head with a grin.

"Maybe another time..." 

Sans hummed back before a thought hit his head, he quickly sat next to the other on the couch before saying.

"Dude, I just got the greatest idea ever."

"Really? What?"

"Go and get a degree in anthropology, become an archaeologist and when someone ask you why you pick this job tell em you just felt it in your bones."


"Okay first of, I fucking love you, second, that is the most greatest idea I have ever heard of-"

"Does that mean you'll actually do it?"

"And last of all, I'll probably never do it, at the moment anyways, cause I hate college."

Sans shrugs. "Fair point."

"So what do you wanna do?"

Outer hummed in thought before slumping his back against the couch.

"I think I want to adopt a kid or something..."

Sans blinks at the other before raising a brow.

"Don't give me that look," He huffs.

"Sorry, why adopt though?"

Outer sighed. "I dunno, I guess there's a part of me that still wants to live by those days when I was just still raising a small little baby."

Sans stayed quiet as he glance at the other. Sometimes he almost forgot that other AUs Gasters didn't split in two like with him and Papyrus - in a sense he had raise Papyrus but the other was practically 7 and not a baby when they came to be - and that those Gasters died in some sort of accident in the lab that left them to be forgotten forever which leaves two kids alone to protect themselves.

He sighed as he felt a pang in his chest before shaking it off as a small thought pass through his head.

"Your really sentimental, you know that right?"

"Yeah," Outer looks down at his lap with a small smile. "But maybe that just means I care..."


"Hey Outer?" Sans said as he stood up from the couch before standing in front of a still seating Outer.


He leaned down so he can kiss the other's forehead.


"For what?" Outer asks, a purple blush dusting his cheeks.

Sans shrugs before giving the other a genuine smile.

"For making me realize something."


The bright screen from his laptop was practically blinding him as he squints his eyes, vision a bit blurry from the lack of sleep.

He look to the side seeing his bed that was practically calling for him to rest.

Sans sighed before standing up from his seat by the desk in his room. The chair making a wincing sound as it slid on the floor.

He'll just look into it later.

Maybe it was his tired mind that made him forget about his laptop being left open or maybe it was just his ignorance did he forgot about it.

But nevertheless, when he laid on his bed, his senses practically numb as his eyes droop down, sleep completely taking over his mind.


His laptop was left open to a page filled with apartment complexes.


I put a lot of shit and hints in this chapter about character relationships and others so yeah lol.

1111 words

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