Here comes the trouble.. part 2

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I haven't heard from Zayn in a long time, i hope everything is okay..

We may be partially related but that DOES NOT change the way I feel about him.

I love him so much...

I whip out my phone to see any texts from Zayn.. None.

To Zaynie;

I know everything seems so hectic rn, plz jus call me. LMK you're okay


Harbear x

I deeply sigh. I'm stuck in this apartment, in Zayn's dark room. His sisters have already moved out so i'm sure i'm alone. Oh well, might as well go to school again, extra study classes for upcoming SATs.

I walk my way to school since its only a 10-15 min walk. I look down as I walk, nothing really to look up to yanoe.

I enter my double doored doom and be pushed right onto my ass.

"Watch it! FAG!" A familiar bradford accent yelled. No.. It cant be..

I dreadfully look up and see Zayn with his old crowd of boys..


"Z-zayn? Why are you doing this!?" I cried.

He mocked "Why you doing this?" with a baby face pout. Mocking me, pushing me, abusing me.

He lifted me up by my collar and took me into the men's room. He locked the door and threw me by the urinal section, i hit my head on the tiled walls. I am in utter shock rn, i feel like the floor had melted me into the ground, i felt so humiliated. That wasn't all...

He made his boys kick me in my ribs, not listening to my cries and yells.. Just become so.. Heartless.. As if we had nothing.

I try my best to stop these blows but its no use..

He steps on my fragile arm and crushes it. I hear a crunching snap. I yell out in extreme agony, for he had broken my arm..

Zayn Malik broke my arm..

Zayn Malik broke my heart..

Zayn Malik broke me...

I lay crying helplessly on the dirty, cold tiled floor unable to get up from this anguish.

I was left to rot...


I see Zayn come out of the men's room, laughing and roaring pigheadedly with his boys. I suspiciously side eye them and eavesdrop on what they think is SO funny..

"Did you see how I left that fag there?!"Said Zayn.

"Nah fam, you went out with him!" Replied the beefy guy.

"Hey ho tho! You won the fucking dareeeee ayyooo the game is now over!" Remarked the slightly taller guy.

They all retort and laugh..

Does this mean..?


I rush in to see Harry's cold, lifeless body in fetal position holding his arm.. Shaking in agony..

"Harry! Ohmigod! SOMEBODY HELP! PLEASE!" I horrifyingly yell out.

He groans and slightly loses his breath.

"Harry, you gotta stay awake for me okay!" I exclaim. "I'm here! I'm here" I hold his head, reassuring him.

"Yo! What happened!!" Yells a brunette guy along with Niall.

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