Chapter 17 ~ Taken

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Chapter 17 ~ Taken

=* You like the pic of Mr. Gorgeous? I do too hehe =*


I watched as the girl reentered the room with Zoë this time, but still had that look of wonder in her eyes. I had watched a few moments ago as the werewolf beta called Gray approach her, and the girl quickly change into a blonde, and leave with none other than the hostess herself. This girl seemed to be more than what she originally appeared, and much more valuable.


I had risked everything coming to this party to see if this heir of Zoë's was the Descendant, and I knew my suspicions were correct when I saw her shape-shift. My King will be very proud indeed, I thought as I tried to find a seat in a part of the room where I could observe everything. Before I could, my cell buzzed in my pocket and I hurried to pick it up.


"Is it her?" He asked me, skipping any pleasantries, of course.

"Yes, my Lord, though she looks a bit different from the-"

"Is it her?" He asked again, threateningly this time.

My voice shook as I spoke, "Y-yes."

"Then bring her to me."

"Yes, my Lord."

He abruptly ended the call and I sighed in relief. Now all I needed to do was find a way to get her to come to me.


You know that feeling you get when everyone's looking at you? Yeah well I'm getting that-the whole song and dance. My stomach is doing freaking cartwheels, my palms are sweaty, etc. To say that I was nervous was a bit of an understatement, and for good reason too. I actually saw the crowd this time and not a single person in this room was not looking at us. I wouldn't be surprised if I threw up right here and now. I shivered.

"Relax, honey. You'll be fine." Zoë said calmingly.

I glanced at her through the side of my left eye and nodded slightly, not believing that for a second.


After what felt like forever shaking hands and saying hello and all the little things to at least a hundred people, I was absolutely tired. I've never talked to so many people before, because well, no one would go near me back home. It was definitely a huge change. Zoë was a couple tables over talking with some very important guy. Elder Callister, I think. I was sitting alone at a table off to the side, out of the way, so no one would get the bright idea to come and bother me.

I was sipping my water and massaging my absolutely aching feet when I heard someone pull out a chair near me. I looked up and saw a very handsome man looking at me with a soft, kind smile. Apparently, he was a bit dense to miss my 'stay away' signs. I slightly smiled back and looked away at something else to see if he'd get the hint.

"I hear you're Zoë's heir to the company," he said in a deep, smooth voice.

Obviously, hints just roll off this guy.

I stayed looking at some nameless thing in the distance as I answered nonchalantly, "Is that so?"

He chuckled before answering, "Yes. So tell me about yourself, Zaressa."

I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to be alone, not interviewed. I stood up abruptly and put a tight smile on my face showing him that his company wasn't appreciated.

"I'm sorry. I'm needed elsewhere..." I drifted off, waiting for a name. When he didn't answer, but simply smiled, I shook my head and rolled my eyes.


I walked off into a random direction, hoping I wouldn't be followed. It wasn't long before I realized that people were dancing and I just walked onto the dance floor. People were touching me, trying to get my attention and asking me if I wanted to dance. It was all too much for me and the faces started to blur together. I pushed and shoved my way out of there until I ended up by the back door and gratefully let myself out. The cold, crisp air met my skin and I welcomed it. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself. I took deep breaths, focusing only on that. That was probably how I totally missed the sound of the door opening and the presence of someone else out here with me. I automatically assumed it was Zoë, because who else would be this attentive to my whereabouts?

She obviously sensed that I needed some peace and quiet so she said nothing. My eyes were still closed as I explored the world behind my eyelids. After a few minutes I started to get a bit tense. The silence was no longer calming and usually Zoë would do something like ask if I was okay, or put an arm around me, but all she did was stand there, at least that's what I thought since I didn't hear a thing after I heard her come out here.

In a quiet voice I asked, to relieve my fears, "Zoë?" because I was too scared to look.

I was met with silence. Maybe no one was out here after all. I immediately relaxed and opened my eyes. Directly in front of me was the same guy from earlier, who wouldn't leave me alone. My eyes went wide and I practically tried to squeeze into the wall but no use. I knew I was in danger but before I could do anything, he touched my cheek and I was met with darkness.


Hey you! Sorry it's been awhile, it's Yeah :/ anyways, I hope you don't hate me too much, cause I still love you <3 =) I hope you enjoyed this one, and those looking for a bit more action, I hope this quenched your thirst. Hehe.

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