Chapter 5 ~ Meeting New People (Unedited)

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Chapter 5 ~ Meeting New People

I quickly turned around and saw Zoë . . . I think. I mean it looked like her, but, then again, it didn't. But when she opened her arms as if to hug me, I couldn't resist and ran into her arms. Her warm, comforting arms enveloped me and for the first time in forever, I felt safe and loved.

She kissed my forehead before pulling away to look me in the eyes. She looked as if ready to cry.

"My darling baby, Zaressa. You are so grown now and I am so proud of you. God, how I've missed you," she said pulling me in again for another hug, which I gladly returned.

"Thank you for helping me, Zoë. I would've never left that place if it weren't for you. I owe you my life." I said, tears welling up in my eyes as well.

She flashed me a brilliant smile. Now, up close I could see the differences better. Her hair was a light caramel, instead of golden blonde. Her eyes were blue-green, like the paintings I've seen of the sea. Also, she was shorter, and not so intimidating. Plus, she looked older. The body I found in the kitchen looked around 22, but now, she looks around 35, but she basically looks the same. Not as regal as before, but...normal, I guess is the best way to describe it.

"Come, my darling," she said, tugging lightly on my wrist. "We must find somewhere to stay."

• • • • •

The sun had already set and now you could hear little crickets, as Zoë called the invisible creatures. After Zoë led me to a red sleek machine she called a car, we got in the smooth black seats she called 'mio caro pelle italiana', which I understood because I learned Italian from one of the cooks. Bernardo his name was. He made these exquisite pastas that I absolutely loved. He always said stuff like, 'È meglio non sprecare il mio cibo delizioso. Ho passato rendendo per sempre questo soprattutto per te, bambina.' jokingly, which meant, 'You better not waste any of my delicious food. I spent forever making this especially for you, little girl," which he would end with a hearty laugh. Now, I would probably never see Bernardo or be able to eat his amazing food again. I sighed, and shrugged the thought of going back out of my mind.

After driving for about an hour, we ended up in this place she called Atlanta, Georgia. It was beautiful. Tall pointy buildings breached the sky and cars littered the streets and people were everywhere! Before I could embarrass myself by approaching one and getting more strange looks, Zoë ushered me inside a door along the sidewalk. As soon as you walked in there were stairs. We climbed the staircase and passed around 10 doors before stopping at one unattractive green one. She knocked three times. After a minute the door opened a bit but stopped by a small chain thing. I wondered what that was for.

The man who opened the door was a bit on the heavy side and short, too. His breath also smelled of something foul. I squinched my nose at the pungent odor. He looked a second at Zoë with a flash of recognition then his gaze slid over to me. I froze instantly under his scrutiny. It felt as if something was inside my brain, and before the feeling intensified Zoë stepped in front of me and the next things happened so quickly it was hard to keep track.

Gone was the loving and caring Zoë I knew and there was the warrior-like Zoë she was more commonly known as. She used immense force as she kicked open the door, breaking the chain, and quickly going for the man's throat, shoving him up against the wall inside the flat. She looked over to me with glowing blue eyes and ushered for me to come in and close the door behind me. I did so and stayed silent as she went back to the man in her left hand who was struggling to catch his breath and his face turning purple.

"Now, Spencer. What have I told you about ratting your way into other people's business, huh? She pulled him back to let him catch his breath before shoving him back again into the wall, leaving a dent. "Or have you forgotten that it was that specific malicious act of intrusion that got you kicked out of Angel Court in the first place?" She seethed, her voice extremely frightening that was sure to have struck fear and terror into the hearts of many. My mind reeled over the fact that he was like her-an Exile. I was so glad not all Exiles were alike, at least the ones I've met so far.

"Don't make me regret saving you from Damnation. Those Demons could've had you playing their sick little games if it weren't for me. Now, act like you want to be in control of your life." She dropped him and he hit the ground breathing in ragged breaths as he went from purple to red back to tanned. Zoë turned to me, the glow in her eyes fading back to her blue-green ones after a few moments.

"Dear," she said in her kind tone that I was used to. "This horrible excuse for a man," she gestured towards the man who was slowly starting to stand. "Is Spencer Kaldoni. He is an Exile and Atlanta is his territory."

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