Chapter 2 ~ The Escape Part 1

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Chapter 2 ~ The Escape Part 1

I woke with a start. Breathing heavily, I slowly sat up in my bed. I thought back to my dream. All that talk of freedom was just that, a dream and nothing more. I sighed as I ran a hand through my tangled hair. A girl can dream, I thought.

It was oddly quiet this morning. Usually, Lorine would've already woken me up and had me doing chores such as feeding and brushing the horses, watering the flowers, laundry, dusting, all the mundane stuff. Also the thing is, we don't have electricity up here so vacuum cleaners, irons, all that amazingly convenient human stuff, is stuff we don't have.

Instead of dwelling on what I should be doing, I decided to ponder what I could be doing. I could be taking a long and luxurious bath, painting my nails, sewing a new dress, playing on Lorine's harp, ooh, and-

"Zaressa!" A voice shouted. I looked around expecting Lorine, but after a moment, recognizing that as the voice from my dream.

"Now, it not the time for dilly dallying. Now, is the time to make your escape," the voice continued. "The Angel Court is having a meeting. Lorine didn't expect you to wake up early and never thought of you doing anything really. This is your chance. Now take it, my dear," The voice encouraged firmly.

"But, how? I don't know of a way to escape."

"I will guide you."

"Who, exactly are you?" I asked, trying to gain some resemblance of control over the situation.

"I am Zoë." She replied, followed quickly by, "Now, hurry and pack only what you need. Money, shoes, and anything you hold dear. Once you get to the kitchen, I will tell you more."

I went on autopilot. My body doing what she asked, but my mind stuck on the fact that my mother was here. Thoughts raced through my mind on how she could even be here and how come no one noticed her and how is she talking to me like this and wondering maybe its because she really is my mother. I was so excited I almost put the duster in my satchel, which was left on my vanity. I giggled at the thought.

I checked my bag once more. I had riding pants, flats, a creme white flowy shirt, a few undergarments, my bow and arrow, and Zoë's Angel necklace that I found when I was off wandering where I shouldn't. It was a beautiful gold chain with crystal wings and in silver in the wings it said Zoë on the front. In the back of the wings it said IV-X-L. I never could figure out what that meant and its not like I could ask anyone without them taking it from me or telling, so I was on my own there.

I looked around my room one last time before leaving. The room really was impersonal. Simple pearl white everything and only necessities were put in my room, as was directed by Lorine. I opened the French doors that led to my sitting room and quickly went to my bookshelf and picked up my favorite, The Unknown and placed it in my satchel.

I quickly left and ran to the kitchen. I looked around, curious as to why I was coming this way to leave.

"The locked door right next to the pantry. Break it open." Zoë's voice came back, clear as bells.

I looked around, wondering how I was supposed to open a locked door. I saw a mallet that was used to tenderize the meat from last night's dinner. I quickly grabbed that and ran up to the door. I pulled my arm back and swiftly swung as hard as I could against the handle. The handle broke off and I shoved open the door, throwing the mallet on the ground.

I stepped inside and my jaw dropped at the sight. In a golden plaque on the wall, it said, Zoë the Warrior.

"This, my dear, is my Angel body."

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