Chapter 11 ~ Descendant

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Chapter 11 ~ Descendant

After hours of shopping, I was definitely ready to drop. Zoe bought me tons of shirts, dresses, jeans, and so much more; it was unbelievable. I've never had this much back home. Finally, around noon we had lunch at this French restaurant down on Main St. While we were waiting for our orders to come, I decided that then was the time to drill Zoe on more questions.

"So, I've gathered that I'm not like the rest of the Angels. At first I thought I was a Dark Angel, but now, I know that that's not the case. What-" I cleared my throat and took a deep breath before asking. "What am I?"

Zoe paused for a moment before answering.

"You are a Descendent," she said simply, as if that explained it all, which it didn't.

"What's a Descendant?"

"A Descendant is the name the Angel Court made up for you and others like you."

Others? There's more like me? I started to smile.

"So, there's more like me out there?" I asked hopefully. Finally, I'm not alone in this world. But, how come I wasn't raised with them?, I wondered.

"No, Zaressa. You are the only one," she said gravely. There goes my hope.

"Then-" I started.

"They only made up a name for you because they can't just call you the 'thing' or the 'creature', they are not cruel like the rest of the supernatural courts. Also, if there happened to be more like you, then they'd be able to identify them and classify them with you, as a Descendant."

The waitress returned with our plates of food, but I was too interested in this conversation to bother touching my food. After she left I started again.

"So, what exactly is a Descendant, like, what can I do? Where do I come from? How am I even here?" I asked.

"A Descendent is the literal descendent of every supernatural creature combined. They can channel the power of all their ancestors, meaning that they are extremely powerful and dangerous. The exact details of your birth are still a mystery, even to me, but if anyone knows anything, I'd bet that the Angel Court would know, and if not them, then the Wiccans would," she told me.

"The Wiccans? Witches?" I asked confusingly. "What does witches have anything to do with me?" I asked.

"Well, when I said every supernatural creature, that includes witches and the witches keep every and all records on the births and powers of their children. That includes you, Zaressa. The Angel Court found out the basic extent and the few facts I've shared with you about yourself, but that's all they would share especially since they took you from them, which wouldn't exactly give much incentive for them to share much more." Zoe begun to eat after that and allowed that bit of information to sink in.

So, I'm single-handedly THE most powerful being...EVER, I'm the combo of every crazy creature, automatically classifying me as the ultimate freak, and to top it all off, the witches are the only ones who truly know everything about my birth. Dear Lord! When I thought I was different, I didn't think I'd be that different!

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