The Paint War

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"Alright everyone! It's arts and crafts time!"
Martha chirps to the mass of teens in front of her. They where all stationed at tables with partners, which she chose herself.
Alexander was with Lafayette, John with Hercules, Thomas with Aaron, James with Theodosia, Philip with Theo Jr.
Peggy was with Eliza and Angelica.
And Maria was put with the weird singing slushie kid.

"Today, we will be painting! Before you go and ask, we're going to be painting what makes you happy! I know this is clèche but I have other things to deal with."
The woman sighs and began passing out the supplies, listening to the chattering of her eager campers.

"I know exactly what I'm drawing!"
"I swear to God if you draw Mac and cheese I will strangle you with your own hair."
"..Ok so I might need to start brain storming-!"

Martha chuckles at the conversation, handing them their supplies.
"Draw what ever you want, sweet heart. Don't let him scare you."
"Ha Ha! Yay! Suck it!"
"Don't you have a boyfriend?"
"Don't get all cocky with me. That's my character trait!"

The short haired woman laughs lightly, striding over to the next group.
"I'm going to draw Alex and Mom!"
"I'm drawing Aaron and our mommy and daddy!"
"I'm also going to draw birds! Alooooot of them! I love birds!"
"I know! You've told me!"
The girl in the little group of two giggles, booping the boys noes and earning a gasp from him.
Martha smiles at the interaction handing them their stuff.

She was almost done with everyone when she heard a loud yell from across the room.
She whips around to see Thomas with paint splattered in him face, yelling furiously at Alexander who was having the laugh of his life.
The taller then grabs a tube and pours some in his hand and bitch slaps the other.

This caused a loud gasp from everyone in the room. John then stood up on his chair, paint markings on his face.
He bellows, taking his tube and squirting it straight in Hercules' face.
Who screeches and slaps John with his paint brush.

Then it begun. Paint was flying from every side of the room. James and Aaron hiding under the teachers desk that was placed in the front of the room.
They stayed there, shaken up by the whole ordeal.
"James. We need to form a plan to escape."
"B-But Aaron! There are eyes everywhere!"
"No buts James! We must go! Take this."
Aaron hands James a slingshot and a tube of paint. Holding another pair in his hands.
James shakily Inhales and rolls from under the desk and out into the chaos, Aaron close behind.

They ran and ran and ran into they ran into someone. Hercules.
He whips around, paint tube in hand ready to shoot before relaxing seeing who it is.
"Oh thank fucking god. I though you where part of their gang."
He gestures to the other side of the room, seeing a large mass of kids with black paint smeared on their faces and red markings on their cheeks.
And you'd never believe who the leader of them is.
Peggy Fucking Schuyler!

"Yes Peggy! She tried to get me on her side but I said no because I knew she only wanted me over there because she likes me! So she told her minions to seize me and Laf!"
Hercules rants, jiggling the door knob. Locked. What the hell?
"They locked us in here?!"
Lafayette gasps, going to try and open the door himself. Yup. Locked.

Aaron and James grown in unison, but Lafayette grumbles and takes a hair pin out of his hair. Which made his hair spring out of its bun.
He takes the pin and quickly unlocks the door, and all four of them book it out of the art room.

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