"Where are we going?" Wanda asked as the dappled sunlight played across her face.

"The beach," Harry replied simply.

Almost as though he'd conjured it, the path curved around a copse of trees and opened to an exquisite scene. Golden sand flowed in front of them and for hundreds of metres to either side. The ocean, today a deep blue with small waves, the occasional crest of white topping them, stretched as far as the eye could see. Birdsong sounded all around them and a light breeze caressed their faces, making their hair dance about heads.

Harry watched as Wanda took it all in before her eyes closed and she breathed deeply. Her shoulders rose and then fell and with them, tension seemed to melt away. Her face relaxed of the worry lines that she'd gained over the past week and he nodded. This was exactly what she needed.

"And this beach is yours?" Wanda asked, having opened her eyes to look at him.

"The whole island," Harry confirmed, but he knew that she knew that.

"Thank you for bringing me here; I only wish Pietro could see it."

"He will. In time. Daphne expected that it'd be a while before he woke," Harry replied.

Neither added the rest of that sentence, but both thought it. Already, it'd been a week and there'd been no sign from Pietro. Yes, his body was healed but his mind, that no one could penetrate – not Wanda with her own kind of magic, nor Daphne or Harry when they tried legilimency. All knew that it was simply a wait and see, hope and pray kind of situation.

"Since we're here, how about a little extra distraction?" Harry asked.

Wanda's eyes narrowed.

"I'm guessing that this is why you really brought me here," she said. "What is it?"

"I'm curious about your magic," Harry admitted. "I'd like to know more about it, compare it to my own, I suppose."

She sighed and nodded. "What do you want to know."

"Well, let's start with your mind magic. What can you do with it?"

"I can enter people's heads," she said. "I see what they are thinking and can convince them to do what I want."

"Compulsion and legilimency. What about when people try to enter your thoughts?" he asked.

"I don't know. No one's ever tried."

"May I?" Harry asked.

She looked unsure for a moment before seeming to steel herself.


"I'll only attempt to skim your surface thoughts," Harry assured her. "I won't try going too deep or invading your privacy."

Turning to face her, Harry lifted his wand. "Legilimens."

Harry pushed his way into Wanda's mind and immediately encountered red. Everything around him took on a reddish hue; her magic, he noted. With a small amount of effort, he pushed deeper and finally managed to worm his way in. And stopped, gaping at what he found. Her thoughts were there but they were wild, chaotic, whirling in patterns that he didn't understand. It was the most bizarre experience that he'd ever encountered.

Pulling out, Harry shook his head.

"It's not true occlumency," he noted, "but whatever it is, it'll sure keep anyone from finding out your thoughts. What else can you do?"

"I can move things, anything really, doesn't matter how big or small or how heavy."

A series of waves of his wand produced a dozen rocks, all different sizes – from basketballs to a boulder bigger than he was. It was not the last one, though, that Harry was most interested in seeing what Wanda did with it. Packed inside the second largest rock was a great ball of lead, making the stone much, much heavier than it appeared.

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