Start from the beginning

"There's nothing like... this, I need to tell you about. We just talked about our lives," I shrugged, as I took the charts in my hands again. "I'll tell you all about it in a couple of hours, when this day will be over... If Carl doesn't give me more work."

"I'll whoop his ass if he does," she told me, and I snorted. "What do you have?"

"Two basic flu cases and a little guy needing stitches waiting in the ER. Are you sleeping at the loft tonight?"

"Yup, I'll bring some booze so that we can party like it's 1999!" she sang the last part of her sentence on Prince's hit 1999, which made me laugh at her silly self. "Oh crap, am I allowed to quote a Prince song?"

"Why wouldn't you be allowed to?" I chuckled, frowning a bit.

"You're on MJ's side now, and since they don't like each other—"

"Hold on a minute," I cut her off, holding a finger up. "Who said they hated each other? The press, or Michael and Prince themselves?"

"The press," she rolled her eyes. "I know, I shouldn't believe what's written in there, but it's one sexy rivalry we have here," she once again wiggled her eyebrows. "You'll need to ask Michael if they do hate each other or not."

"I will," I snorted, shaking my head. She really was something else. "I'll see you tonight, weirdo."


The ER emptied little by little when I got back there to take care of Aaron, a little eight year-old boy who cut his hand badly with a piece of glass. He was quite tough and didn't mind the pain that much, because when I put the anesthetic in his hand with the syringe, he didn't even wince in pain.

"You have one brave little boy, Mrs. Harper," I said to his mother before I winked at her son. "Tell me, what would you like to do when you're older?" I asked, as I started to stitch his wound.

"I would like to join the military, and become a soldier, just like my daddy!" he proudly told me, and I giggled at his enthusiasm.


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Oh wow! I think you'd make a great soldier, you're as strong and courageous as one."

"You hear that mom? I'll make sure to tell daddy the next time he calls!" he excitedly said, which caused my smile to get wider.

As I was halfway done with the stitching of Aaron's hand, I had to stop in the middle of it because my pager was beeping in my smock's pocket. I looked at the code on it, and it was a blue one coming from Kyle's room.

"Shit," I muttered, as I quickly put my gloves away. "I—I'm sorry, I need to go," I excused myself to the patient and his mother. "Annie, please find someone to replace me, I have to go!" I told the nurse, as I started to run back to the service.

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