26 - challenging and training

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"Oh Helix." I dragged her name out like I'd be calling over a pet. "Come on out, I know you're back there. I have a proposition you might be interested in, might help you get rid of me. We both know you want tha...."

I got cut off by Claudia's entrance music.

"Could you please shut the hell up Nika? Your voice is giving me a headache."

"So you dont want us to get out of each others lives? Alright, guess you're stuck with me forever in that case."

"Alright, alright you've got 2 minutes Nika so you better start talking."

"Lets face it, you dont like me and I definitely dont like you either. In fact we'd pretty much would love it if the other could just dissapear all toghether so I propose a career vs career match. Loser will leave WWE forever. It also includes being erased from the WWE history and record books, the network and no chance at ever getting into the Hall Of Fame. The loser isn't even allowed to be present at any future WWE event until the winner decides otherwise. If and only if the winner deems the loser worthy again they will get their WWE career back."

"That sounds almost perfect but I'd like to add one stipulation. If I win, you can never see my brother again. You'll stay away out of my life in anyway possible and you dating him makes that a little impossible."


Again I got cut off by entrance music but this time it was Jon's as he walked over to his sister to speak his mind

"No, you're not taking the ones I care about away from me again."

"You really shouldn't choose a bitch like Nika over me, your own sister, Jon."

"After the shit you pulled, you're no sister of mine."

"Don't you dar..."

"ALRIGHT SHUT UP!" I shouted, cutting her off.

"You get your stipulation but just so you wont send someone to force me to reinstate you, I have pointed out someone to validate my decision to bring you back. My decision will be deemed invalid if they feel I got pressured into it, they also will remain anonymous to everyone but me so you wont be able to pressure them either."

"You got it, just tell me when and where."

"I'll see you in the main event on Sunday then."


"Are you out of your mind?" Jon asked me "Why would you agree to never contact me again if you lose and what about Daemon, I don't want him taken away from me again."

"Cause I don't plan on losing and even if I did, Daemon should stay with you."

"Why? He needs you Nika."

"He needs you as well and like you said, I'm not taking him away from you again."

"Why do you have to be so reckless all the time?" Jon asked while pulling me into a hug.

"I'm a Hardy, its what  I do. You know how I am, it's all or nothing with me."

"Then we'll give it our all. I refuse to lose you a second time."

"You wont lose me, I promise. I'm going to end her carreer."


"Now how about you spend quality time with Daemon while I go train for the match."

"Nope, not happening. You can train but Daemon and I are definitely watching you."


To avoid Claudia from spying on me during my training I secretly trained late at night. Starting when everyone except me, my trainingpartner and Jon would be fast asleep and finishing up right before anyone would wake up.

So, nights of training passed and with each training I got better.

Right now I was sparring with Drew McIntyre since that guy was tough as nails, exactly what I needed to prepair for my match against Claudia.

Thinking about her made me feel sorry for her. I really wanted to be her friend but she turned out to be this jealous, evil, bitch instead of this sweet girl I thought she was at first.

Drew and I had an intense practice match with both of us agreeing on a tie in the end.

"You really are a great fighter lass." The scottsman smiled as we got out of the ring.

"Thanks Drew, lets just hope I'm great enough."

"You are. There is a big difference between you and Claudia. You are driven by the determination to protect your family, she's driven by jealousy, it can cloud her mind easily. Use it to your advantage, get her pissed off so she'll slip up easier."

"That aint bad advise, thanks Drew."

"Course it isnt bad advise. Im not just muscle you know, I do have a brain and my bright moments."

"I never said you were."

"How are things between you and Jon by the way?"

"I think we're okay. Its not exactly like things used to be but we'll get there."

"Good I'm glad my 'pretty face' comment helped."

"It did, thank you."

"No problem. I wasnt lying about you being pretty by the way. Dont worry though, Im already in a very happy relationship so Im not a threath for him."

"I'll make sure to let him know." I chuckled.

"You do that, cause if looks could kill I'd be six feet under by now."

Drew pointed behind me to Jon who was shooting daggers at him while walking over with a sleeping Daemon in his arms.

"Hey baby." I smiled at them

"Hey." Jon said before kissing my temple

I smiled softly at the gesture, making Drew chuckle.

"I take this as my cue to leave, I'll be rooting for you Nika."

"Thanks Drew, tell your girl I'd love to meet her some time."

"Will do." Drew nodded before leaving us alone in the gym

"Wait, he has a girlfriend?" Jon asked confused


"But he tried to flirt with you, made that comment about your 'pretty face'."

"Yep, he hoped it would get you riled up enough to get us back together."

"Oh... so he tried to help?"

"Yes silly, he tried to help. Just like all our other friends."

"I guess even they saw how stupid I was being with trying to keep you on a distance."

"Understandibly stupid but yeah they did. Now lets get back to our room. We both need our sleep."

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