Meant to be

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Your pov

"She isn't yours, Mateo!"

"You're saying that all this time, you lied to me about Luciana?"

I was curled up against my mom as we watched our favorite telenovela. "Wait, mama. Lucia is not Mateo's daughter? How does that work?"

"Shh Y/n, we just need to see what's next. They'll probably reveal her real dad soon." I looked up at my mom with a frowned face. "Okay, ma."

"Who is her father then, Maria?!" Mateo screamed at Maria. What they didn't know was that little Luciana was at the top of the stairs. She woke up when she heard her mama and papa yell at each other. "It's ..."

And just like that, the end screen came on.

Every single night, for years, my mom and I watched the show. And with that my passion for acting grew too. I followed the girl playing Luciana through her acting jobs and saw her growing quite famous. Camila Cabello got big movie after big movie. With her being so close to me in age, it made it even better..

At the age of 20 I finally got my first acting job. I had been auditioning for three years already, so even though the part was extremely small, I took it with open arms. The movie itself was not even that bad, the lead role was actually played by Will Smith.

And you know how that goes, some directors discovered me and I got bigger movies and more jobs every year.

But through all of it, the same actress was my inspiration to get through the hard parts of acting.


Three years after my first acting job I actually got a lead role in a big movie. As far as I could read in the script they sent me, the movie is an action-romance with a love triangle. My character was one of the enemies in the beginning of the apocalypse, but she wants to be one of the good guys. The good gang is led by a strong guy, he doesn't take risks when it comes to the safety of his friends. He protects his friends and his girlfriend, which doesn't have that strong front. She wants to believe my character when she pleads for forgiveness. And well, slowly falls for her.

I have no clue who my co-workers are though, I only heard the fact that they're both well-known actors - way to calm my nerves...

Walking up to the office I'm in some sort of trance. I know my manager is talking to me as he's walking next to me, but I can't understand what he's saying at all. I'd never been this nervous.

Will Smith walks in talking to someone behind him. I couldn't even really see who it was, but the voice said enough. Camila.

It's crazy how fate works sometimes, really.

The producers had us bond with each other before filming started. And Camila and I immediately hit it off. She doesn't give off signs of liking me the same way tho, but that's fine.. I can keep dreaming..

Even though we'll just be playing rolls in this movie. I do get to act alongside her and use the off-screen chemistry with Camila to get the movie to perfection. Falling in love... Even if it's just acting.

Just how it's meant to be

I wrote this a long time ago..
It really isn't that good, but I still had the draft, so I thought: why not publish it
My inspiration has drastically gone down, but maybe I'll get more ideas

Camila/you imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now