A dream

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Camila's pov

"So, what do you wanna do today?" I look down at my girlfriend, who's now deeply thinking like it's the most complex question in the world.

It was already noon, as Y/n and I had lied in bed all morning. Well, I mostly sat on the bed, Y/n had her head in my lap.

"Can we get lunch at that cute place we saw yesterday?" She asked. I smiled at her as I recalled the small cafe. "Yeah, of course. Do you want to go on a walk after eating?" I said.

"Sounds like a plan."

Y/n and I were just walking through some park as we saw a little girl with her mother, the little girl pointing at us, with our joined hands. Y/n started to look a little nervous, especially after we'd kissed just seconds ago.

"Mommy, why did those women kiss on the mouth?" The little girl asked. "Well," The mom started, "You know why daddy and I kiss sometimes right?" "Yes, because you love each other." "Just like that, two women or two men can kiss too! Or hold hands." The mom explained. I really appreciated that. Not everyone is that accepting. 

The little girl looked at us for a split second before turning to her mom again, "So I can choose if I want to kiss a boy or a girl?" The mom smiled at us before taking her daughter's hand again. "Exactly."


Like I said; not everyone is that accepting.

"Karla, darling? Your parents are waiting for you to join them at breakfast." I groaned and pressed my face in my pillows. Nothing against my parents - or our older maid for that matter - I just did not want to have our daily conversation. I already know what my parents are going to talk about. "Karla, how about that cute prince from *insert country*" "How about the son of *insert other important people*?"  It's just how it goes.

But I guess that's just life when you're a twenty-year-old princess, to be queen. Can't be queen without having a king.

Reluctantly I got up and joined them at the table. "Hey Kaki!" My little sister says happily. I smile at her, "Hey there beautiful butterfly queen!" 

"Karla," My dad spoke up, "You know Austin, King Mahone's son, right?" With doubt I speak up, "Yeah, what about him, father?"

"He'll be taking you for dinner tomorrow. Expect him at 7.30pm."

I sighed, and glance at my mom, before looking at our other maid in the corner. She gives me a sad smile before turning her head to the floor.

The days flew by as I'm sitting at breakfast again, the day after my 'date' with Asshole Mahone. I already disliked him before yesterday, at royal parties I always spotted him making out with some girl in a corner. He wasn't much better yesterday. Even though he tried to appear great in front of my parents, on our way to the restaurant he already tried to sneak his hand up my dress.

I already wasn't interested in guys, but he did not make it any better. Most of my forced dates were kinda okay, but being a lesbian just doesn't work like that.

"Isn't Austin a gentleman Karla?" My mom asks suddenly. I don't even look up, but answer anyway, "Yeah, sure." "Karla. I'd like you to try to like someone for once! We've been setting you up with the nicest men your age, and you haven't given any of them second thought." I'm actually schocked at my dad's sudden outburst. He never raises his voice at any of us. I look down as my mom speaks up after. "Honey, why don't you like them." She doesn't sound as angry, but there's definitely frustation in her voice. I just can't do this anymore.

"Because MAYBE, I don't even like men!" I speak up. "Maybe I'd rather date women, did you ever think about that?" I said before standing up and walking towards my room. Leaving my stunned parents behind. I'm just happy Sofia wasn't here to witness my outburst. 

*Knock, knock*  "Can I come in?" A soft voice says from the hallway. "Sure." 

"Are you okay, princess?" Our maid said. "You can say Camila, Y/n. You know that." I look up at her and see her fumbling with her hands. "And define 'okay'." She sighs and steps a bit closer, "You seemed upset, do you want to talk about it?" I gave her a small smile as I patted the spot next to me, for her to sit down.

You see, I've always had a crush on Y/n. She started working for us when she was just eighteen, which also sparked my gayness at the age of fifteen. Little fifteen-year-old Princess Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao couldn't help but feel things for the young maid. How's that, the oldest daughter of the King won't be coming home with a man.

"I want to date, I just... You know..." She chuckled and talked again, "I do know actually, I might or might not like girls myself." I look up at her in disbelief. My crush actually likes girls as well? "Got kicked out of the house because of it, which is why I started working here at the age of eighteen." "I don't get why people are so against it. It's not like I asked for it. It's just rediculous that I can't be seen with another woman in public. Are there even women who would want to date someone like me?" Y/n just nodded at my little rant. 

As I look up again, I notice Y/n already looking at me. "Of course, Camila. You are honestly one of the most beautiful women ever. And I'm sure if they know you like I do everyone would fall for you." Her voice got slightly softer at the end of her sentence, and we both couldn't stop staring at each other.

And before I knew it, her eyes drifted to my lips and I started leaning in.

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