The running boy pushed another tree branch out of his way. He has been running for a while, but he couldn't stop, not with what's following him.

He suddenly tripped on a root that grew over the ground. He fell down and dropped the puppy that was in his hands.

The puppy immediately stood up and went to the boy to check on him. They both tensed when they heard a growl coming from behind them.

They looked back to see a lizard-like creature that was the size of a mountain lion come out of the bushes of the jungle. It had found the boy when he was playing with his puppy and entered its territory, so it took the chance for an easy meal.

The lizard creature stalked towards its prey who started crawling back with the puppy cowering beside it. Before they made any noticeable distance, the beast jumped to attack.

The boy hugged his puppy and closed his teary eyes, ready for the end. But, it never happened. The boy only heard the sound of something cutting through flesh, and then a thud.

After realizing that he wasn't feeling any pain, the boy slowly opened his eyes and looked in shock at the scene in front of him.

The beast was still there, but it was missing its head. The body was on the ground at the feet of a tall man with a blood-red cape holding a blood-covered sword in his hand.

The man looked over his shoulder at the boy who immediately tensed. The boy could barely see blue eyes looking at him through the small mask that was connected to the hat.

Meanwhile, the man himself was looking at the boy a little curiously. It has been a while since he met a normal human who isn't mad or a corpse. He really was far from home.

"Sora?!" a voice suddenly yelled through the woods. "Sora, where are you!?" they asked with obvious worry in their voice.

Suddenly, another man came out of the trees. Wearing farmer clothes, a wide straw hat, long black boots, and jean pants. His eyes look frantically and immediately spot the boy.

"Sora!" the man yelled relieved.

"Father!" the boy yelled as he got up and ran to his father's open arms.

The parent wasted no time hugging the boy, relieved beyond words that he was alright. After a few moments, he noticed the man that was standing in front of the dead beast.

The father tightened his hold on his son protectively. The man's dark clothes did not bode well. He was immediately concerned when he saw the man's sword covered in blood. The father looked over his son but saw no wounds, much to his relief. He then noticed the headless beast on the ground, which was the source of the blood.

Meanwhile, the man himself stood motionless and unaffected by the fearful gaze of the father. He was used to those. He would have left by now since he has no other business here, but this might be the only source of information.

Suddenly, the little boy spoke. "H-He saved me, father," he said still holding the puppy, which gained a surprised look from his parent, and a small look from the man in front of him.

The father sighed in relief and started giving the man a look of gratitude. The man himself was just confused about why the boy vouched for him. He expected it was a thank you at saving him.

"Thank you for saving my son," the father said still slightly cautious of the man.

The man simply moved his sword making the father and his son tense, but they relaxed slightly when they saw him strap it on his back.

"Where is this place?" the man asked trying to know where he ended up.

The father was caught off guard by the odd question but answered nonetheless. "You're In the western side of Ionia," he replied realizing that the man didn't know where he is.

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