Chapter 5

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It felt weird having my brother home, I havn't seen him in 2 years! Then he just strolls into our back yard and makes himself at home. He hasn't lived with our parents in years, we used to be really close when we were younger.

But ever since he turned 18 he changed and just out of the blue he moves away, I use to call him my best friend. He'd even let me hang out with his friends, we where like best friends more than we were siblings.

I valued our prank wars, our cheesy birthday presents, just us spending time together meant the world to me. I feel like he just took our friendship for granted and just chucked it out the window, I've kind of given him the cold shoulder ever since.

I've asked him why we went AWOL and left us, but he always changes the subject when ever we ask. So I've excluded him in my life and now he's back and now I'm wondering why. Angie went home about 2 hours ago, her parents wanting her to stay home for the rest of the week.

The whole town is going into lock down, all teenagers age 18-20 have locked themselves up in their houses and only leave their rooms to use the bathroom. I don't know why but my parents seem oblivious to notice the kidnappings, so I'm a perfect target.

But it's totally not going to happen, I'm gonna lock myself up in my room. Of course dad always have security guards by the front door, but you can never be to sure right? Better safe than sorry, I walk down the spiral stars and see my parents and Alex in a full on conversation.

My parents have a happy but surprised face on, their probably listening to his sorry excuse for an explanation why he left. He always has this huge apology speech that my parents believe instantly, he's their what's the word? Oh yeah he's their favourite child and I'm well nothing, they havn't even thought about my safety with the kidnappings! 

Technically Alex's old enough to be taken as well, but he's a very tall, fit and strong 20 year old, so many wouldn't even try and take him. If they did they might get a severe beating, maybe that's why he's here, to protect me? I highly doubt it, but hey a girl can dream.

The news reports, articles, blogs and magazine had stories piling in about the kidnappings, 134 teens have been taken already, but they have no clues to find them. You'd think after years of this event, the local authorities would be more prepared or at least found clues.

The most they find is the location where they where taken, you know bedrooms trashed from the struggle of the teens putting up a dam good fight. Every one I've seen in the last few days seems depressed, either from a death threat hanging over their heads, family members in danger or guilt of others been taken.

I keep telling myself I'll be fine but some feeling down deep in my gut is proving me otherwise, I walk all the way down the stairs and I walk past my parents and Alex and walk into the kitchen. "Hey Monica" I hear Alex say and I put a fake smile on my face and turned to face him. 

"Hey" I reply simply turning back to the kitchen and grabbing a packet of oreo's from the pantry. "Oh come on Monica, don't be like that" He pleads and I turn around and send him a glare. "Don't be like what? Ignoring you, well pay backs a bitch" I reply before storming back upstairs.

I here my parents calling me back but I just ignore him, he can't just come back and expect my love for him. I walk into my room, slamming the door very loudly to prove my pissed off mood and I slump down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. 

There's a small spider web in the corner of a ceiling and a spider crawls across it "Your life isn't this complicated, is it?" I ask and I shake my head at myself. I'm talking to a spider, he's not going to reply but if he did that would be fucking awesome and creepy!

There was a quiet knock on my door and without me realizing Alex walks into my room and closes the door behind him. "Come on Moni talk to me" He pleads and I sit up and look at his desperate, sad eyes and they stare into mine. 

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?" I ask in a bored tone and he sends me a slight smile. "Well let's start on what's on your mind, I can tell somethings bothering you" He asks and I sigh "Honestly, the whole kidnapping things bothering me" I admit and he seems to stiffen up at my comment.

Is he scared he could be taken too? Or is he just scared for me? What ever it is it makes him nervous, that part is obvious to anyone with eyes. "Don't worry about that, no one's going to take you" He says with so much emotion and certainty in his voice. 

"How can you be so sure?" I ask and his eyes change colour, am I imagining this or did this eyes just turn blood red? "No one's going to take you" He repeats and I'm slightly scared of him now, his tone and his eyes are seriously creeping me out.

I nod my head, to scared to reply to him with words. His eyes slowly turn back to their oringinal colours before he walked out of the room leaving me confused and worried. What the hell just happened! Does he know something that I don't?

Whatever is going on I'm confused! Deciding not to just sit here being all confused, I decide to get up and do something to entertain myself. I hop off my bed and grab the TV remote and switch on the television, the movie pitch perfects on tonight I think? 

I was about to put the movie on but something on the news caught my eye, I grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to 73%. "Unfortunately I'm here to report 5 new kidnappings, the 3 siblings Josh, Lilly, and Marcus from the John family, we also have Mathew Berk and Angie Dallas"

I froze at what she said, I grabbed the remote and rewind the show and watched it again "Unfortunately I'm here to report 5 new kidnappings, the 3 siblings Josh, Lilly, and Marcus from the John family, we also have Mathew Berk and Angie Dallas"

I couldn't believe it, this can't be happening. I felt my body tremble as sobs struck my body and I sobbed into my pillow. This can't be happening! Angie has to be OK, she wasn't kidnapped she's at home safe and sound!

But there she is, on the list of recent kidnappings. I couldn't believed what I heard and I keep telling myself she's fine, but she's not. She's kidnapped by a group of murderers, who never release their victims alive. 

The guilt was eating away at me, why didn't I stay with her! Maybe they would have taken me instead, they can't kill Angie! I can't let this happen, I have to save her somehow! I can't give up on her, if I was taken she'd go find me right?

No she wouldn't, she would feel sad but she wouldn't go after me. I wouldn't want her to risk herself like that for me, but I can't just let them take her! I wipe my tears and hop off my bed and grab my coat and put it on.

I grab my boots and I put them on my feet, I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. I run into my hidden room in my wardrobe and grab my pistol. Ever since I was 15 I've been trained in fire arms, I grab my gun holster and attached it to my thigh under my skirt and I put my gun in it. 

I walked back into my room and was about to walk out my bedroom door when it opens, Alex stands there in my door frame and stare at me curiously. "Where you going?" He asks and I bite my lip and tried to think of a good lie.

"I was going to go get the mail" I lied and he stares at me "I'll get it, you're not going any where this time of night" He demands slamming my own door in my face. I groan out in frustration, I'm trying to save my friends ass from a group of murderers and he stops me!

No matter what he says I'm going to find her, I'll sneak out tonight if that's what I have to do...

Hi guys, I've just signed a contract to put my Wattpad books on a pay to read app called Hinovel. This unfortunately means I will be removing my books from Wattpad, leaving behind only a five chapter sample for you to read freely, though currently all of the chapters are free on Hinovel for the time being. My username is the same on the app as it if for Wattpad.

This will be a gradual process, with Kidnapped By the Murderer being the first book to be removed.

Darkest Before the Dawn and The Devil's Daughter, are not apart of this contract, and will remain free to read on Wattpad for the foreseeable future and I plan to update soon and finish the book within the year.

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