Chapter 2

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School dragged on for what seemed like eternity, it was physical and mental torture. Like garlic for a vampire, or silver for a werewolf, or the sound of nails scraping down a black board. I was sick of school by morning break, and that's only half way through the day, another 3 hours to go Yeah! Sarcastic!

Angie dragged me out of biology class, because I fell asleep on the desk, oops lol. We walked into the cafeteria and all eyes were on me again, but I didn't really care what they thought. Angie walked me over to an empty table in the corner of the room, I could tell immediately it was the worst table in the cafeteria.

It was right next to the dumpster and the farthest away from the windows and exits, this is where the runts would sit and I didn't like the idea of me or my friend sitting here any longer. "No way we ain't sitting here" I demand grabbing her hand and pulling her over to a vacant table, close to the canteen, windows and doors. 

"Monica that's the cool kids table, if you sit there they'll eat you alive" She whispers looking around nervously, as if she's afraid someone would jump out and attack her. "Exactly we're the new cool kids now" I say sitting down and putting my feet up on the seats like I owned the place. 

"Monica! They're coming" She shouted and I chuckled. "Sit down next to me and let me do the talking" I said patting the seat next to me and she slowly and hesitantly sat down next to me. "Their here" She whispered and I looked up to see the cliche group of cool kids walk into the room. 

You know, the jocks, the rugby players, the Queen of bitches, the sluts, you know the classic I'm cooler than you group. They looked over at their table and glared when they realized Angie and I were sitting at their turf.

The blonde girl with big boobs, a round ass, tight skinny clothing A.K.A the slut walked up to the table and stared at me. "I know you're new around here so I'll let you off with a warning, this is our table" She said gesturing to the group behind her. 

"Hi nice to met you and as you now I'm new here, but I like this table" I replied with a smirk and started to eat my lunch. The slut looked at me startled and shocked at what I said, another girl walked up and joined her side.

She looked like a slutty cheer leader, the worst kind of high school girl is a slutty cheer leader. They think they're the best with the outfits and the guys that chase after them, they make me puke. "Move Bitch, before things get ugly" She said and her and bitch number 1 chuckled at her words. 

"Ugly like your face" I replied and she was no longer smiling, "You ugly little bitc..." I cut her off. "Yeah, yeah ugly little bitch I'm gonna make you pay blah blah blah tell me something I actually give a crap about" I asked shrugging my shoulders and opening a big bags of chips. 

"Want one?" I offered to Angie and she smiled and took a chip, I was completely ignoring the group and they seemed pissed by that. A few of the guys stepped forward and stared at me "Move" A tall buff dude with black hair ordered.

"OK" I replied and a smile came across his face, I stood up from my seat and sat down just to the left of where I was sitting. The group didn't take my smart ass move lightly because the slutty cheer leader stormed up to me and slapped me across the face. 

I stared at her before saying "Omg did you break a nail when you slapped me, cause I'm about to break a knuckle punching your face" I replied and she smirked like you-wouldn't-dare but knowing me I did dare.

I clenched my fist and punched her straight in the face, I smiled when I heard her gasp and the sound of her nose break. "Bitch!" She screamed and I just shrugged sitting back down next to the gasping Angie. 

Storming off in defeat, I watched the group make their way to the only available table left, our old table. I smirked and turned back to see Angie with the biggest smile on her face, "You're freaking awesome!" She squeals and I chuckle, "Thanks, I'm allergic to bullshit and she was 100% shit" I replied and she laughed. 

"No ones ever stood up to them before and here you are first day, you punched the captain of the cheer leading team in the face" She told me and I smiled. "I don't like people who think they are cooler than everyone else" I reply and she nods in understanding. 

"Hey you want to hang out at my place after school, I feel a slumber party coming on?" I say with a wink and she chuckles, "Sure sounds great I'll just text my mum for permission" She replied whipping out her phone and began typing away at the screen. 

A few seconds later she emerges from her phone and gives me a reassuring smile. "Yep I'm all go for a girls night" She said with a smile and I nodded in approval. "I hope we enjoy our night, we will have to fight for this table tomorrow" I warned her and she chuckled. 

"Remind me not to get on your bad side" She muttered cheekily taking a bit our of her granola bar and the bell rang signaling the defeat of our freedom. "See you at lunch" She shouted walking out of the cafeteria leaving me alone for 2 more periods of boring lessons and lectures. 

I packed up my lunch and swung my bag over my shoulder, before walking down the halls trying to figure out where my science class is. Finally I found my class and walked in and got bombarded by my teachers words. 

"Nice of you to show up Monica" Mr Lucifer said looking clearly pissed at me walking right into his class, "Sorry I'm late" I said before choosing an empty seat and sat down on it, the teacher didn't look satisfied with his rant but he continued on with his class anyway. 

I plugged the head phones into my phone and put the ear buds in my ear and started listening to my play list. From then on I zoned out on the class, all I could remember is something about a science fair coming up...

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