Chapter 4

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I was staying at home by myself, my parents went out of town to help with some issue with the business. Apparently people can't do their own job and need the big bosses to come all the way from no where back into the big city to help with a staff issue. 

So I'm at home completely freaked out, I asked Angie if she can come over but her parents have her on lock down. The kidnappings have become more frequent around 20 kids per night are taken from her safe homes and taken away from their life and held captive somewhere until their killed. 

That's why I'm standing here in my room being completely freaked out and paranoid, I live in a mansion with the most expensive security system around, all the doors are locked, windows are sealed closed and I'm hiding in the secret bunker in my closet behind the rack of clothes. 

It as a single sized bed and a tiny lamp beside the bed and a small table and chair in the middle of the room. As you see I'm being slightly paranoid, I'm new to town so hardly anyone knows about me and my age, so they shouldn't know where I am. 

What am I saying, their most likely going to go after those who come from poor families who won't be missed as much, wouldn't they? Or are they after power and stealing rich kids, from powerful families I hope it's not the latter. 

Suddenly I hear a loud bang coming from down stairs, I froze and I quickly ran over to the bed and hid underneath it. Please let it be my parents coming home early, please not let it be the guys that kidnap teens and return their dead bodies. 

I lay still as a brick, barely breathing as the sound of foot steps enter my room, "She's in here some where have a look!" One dude shouted and I heard them thrashing around my room before my closet door opened.

They could find me any minute know so I keep my breathing really quiet and I don't move a muscle, any sound could be a future death of me. I watch as the dude shouted at the other dude to follow him as they entered my secret bunker.

This is the end of me, no one knows about the secret entrance, those boys search must have been thorough. I stop breathing as I hear a loud chuckle "Found her" One of them said and I watched in horror as a hand reached under the bed and grabbed my leg, I screamed as we dragged me out from underneath and gave me a murderous smile.

"Hello delicious" He chuckled and I screamed. 

I woke up panting sweat pouring down my skin, I looked over and spotted Angie sleeping beside me just where she was last night. I take a deep breath and calm down, it was just a dream Monica, it was just a dream Monica. 

I lay back down on my pillow and just smile at the fact I'm still alive, I'm not kidnapped by some psycho dudes who want to kill me! Wooohooo I feel like running down the hall screaming in happiness, but I'm a little more mature than that. 

But know I felt sad for the kids who where taken, they could be held in a prison cell, tortured or even died by now. But I'm pretty sure they die the night of the red moon so they have 4 days to live, that's actually quite depressing. 

I roll over and see Angie's sleepy eyes stare into my own, "Morning" I whisper and she giggles "Morning" She replies and I grab the TV remote and switch on the news, Angie and I watch in sadness as the news Lady reports the new kidnapping of 8 more teens.

I look at the TV sadly, glad I am who I am not those people who are being captive. "Can you change the channel please?" She asks and I nod changing the channel onto Thomas the tank engine. For the rest of the morning we avoided the subject of the kidnappings but a question came to mind.

If everyone's lives are in danger then why dosn't everyone evacuate the town so the murders can't kidnap them? Some times people are stupid and stubborn, to stupid to not think about moving and to stubborn to pack up their things and leave the place they called home. 

When Angie was in the shower I grabbed my laptop and got onto Google. I searched up WWW. and researched the articles to find out who was kidnapped last night, one of the 8 kids I recognized as the slutty cheer leader at school.

Even though I hate her guts, no one deserves to be kidnapped and murdered at such a young age, at least they kidnap those older than 18, so they had some time in life to live to the fullest. I deleted the tab when Angie came out of the shower fully dressed and her towel wrapped around her hair keeping it dry and out of the way.

"Hey" She said "Hey" I replied and I got off my bed and turned to face her, "You want to go for a swim?" I ask and she sends me a bored frown, "I don't really feel like going all the way into town" She admits and I chuckle.

"No I have a pool" I explain and she gasps and smiles excitingly, "You do! Why didn't you tell me?" She asked and I chuckle and shrug, "You didn't mention it" I replied and she squealed searching through her bag and pulled out a black and white striped bikini. 

I run into my closet and search for the perfect bikini, I decide on my plan peach coloured bikini. It's simple, sweet and looked dam sexy on my body matching my skin tone. I quickly stripped down and changed into it.

When I was finished I walked back out to see Angie all changed with a towel in hand, I quickly go and grab a towel for myself before returning back to my room. "Ready?" I ask and she nods and I led her out of my room down the stairs and out the back door.

It was a chili morning, being the middle of winter it was still slightly dark outside. "Last one in the pool is a rotten egg!" I scream dropping my towel on the pool chair and jumping into the heated water.

I emerged from the water to see Angie dive in after me, when she comes back up from under the water I laugh at her "Hey rotten egg what's up?" I ask with a grin and she frowns playfully making me laugh. 

I was about to make another funny remark but she shh-ed me, "Listen, do you hear that?" She asks and I pay attention to our surroundings and hear a slight sound, like leaves being crushed under someone weight.

We remain quiet until the sound stops and all is silent again, I turn and look at Angie's petrified face and I swam over to her and pull her into a comforting hug. "It's OK, no ones here" I whisper into her head and she nods relaxing into my arms. 

"I wouldn't be so sure of that" We both snap our heads in the direction of the voice and I instantly calm down. "Go away snoot rag, you scared the shit out of us!" I screamed and he chuckled. "Who's he?" Angie asked looking slightly scared but mainly confused.

"That's my brother Alex, he's trespassing" I add and he chuckles, "Hey I used to live with you too" He points out and I agree, "Dosn't mean you can sneak up on my friend and mine" I argue back and he just grins evilly at me. 

"Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta run" He says before entering the house through the back door, when I look back at Angie she's staring at me, "I really thought your brother was the kidnappers" She admits and I nod."Me too" I reply and we quickly agree to leave the pool and we go back inside, where it's safe for now...

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