Chapter 10

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As we go home, I remembered oma and appa.

I wish appa can understand my heart and oppa's heart.

I look at the sky and I saw a shooting star falling.

I dont believe wishing upon a star will solve my appa's narrow mindedness.

That is why I just prayed, that he will be open minded about our choices.

"Ya, dongsaeng," Yu Na unni called.

"D-d-de?" I stammered.


"Yes, I'm just a bit... ... tired." I answered honestly.

"Today is really fun." Yu Na unni commented.

'Today is full of bittersweet events, full of ups and downs, oh well, that's what you call life.'  That's what I was suppose to say, but I don't want to be a burden to my unnis.

So I've decided to say, "Yes, it's really fun today.".

From today onwards, Park Yun Jae will never be a burden to anyone, she will not wait for someone to save her, she will be strong and will take her problems down and she will succeed!

That's a promise!



Wow, that line is pathetic! Anyways, please continue reading, IF you want to since I'm pathetic sometimes >.<


When we arrived in our dorm, I went immediatelly to my room, since this dorm got 4 rooms we divided it for us 4. The wash room is near the kitchen, the living room is spacious that is why I am planning to order a few huge cabinets that can fit in our rooms and one in our living room, for extra purposes of course! It can be for our shoes, accessories, bags, and some clothes. Our kitchen is the cleanest place, ever, since I and Min Young unni are the only people to enter there because the other two are messy. They can only stay in the dining room. LOL.

Going back to my room, yeah it's the cleanest room in this dorm but if you compare it to my Jun Hee oppa's room when he's still living in our homehis room is better.

I lay on my bed. Yes we have 4 beds here, they're all seperated when we examined the dorm after we cleaned the clutter in the living room and kitchen. Surprisingly, each room is painted with our favorite colors. Mine is plain white with some oriental flower design, Sung Mae unni - our leader and the most responsible one in our group - got violet with black and white square patterns, Yu Na unni - the grop's party girl - got plain loud red, Min Young unni - our silent one - got plain black, but she told me she will create a painting out of it. 



From: ***********


Goodnight, Yun Jae. The next weeks will be much more difficult.

Train well.

Dont give up, okay?

Sweet dreams.

from: -guess who?


Eh? Who is this? Could this be Jun Hee oppa? 

&quot;I will be&quot;Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon