The break up💔

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At the mall

Tiana is at the mall with her sister Tamia and Bree mom and her best friends

Tamia: That baby making you thick

Tiana:no boo I was already thick before the baby so shhh

Tiana( bsf): That's right tell her bestie

Tiana( bsf ):oh look Tiana


Tiana(bsf): There goes your old boyfriend from high school Logan

Tiana:So that doesn't matter and plus Hakeem will kill me if I even say hi to him

Logan:Hey Te where you been

Tiana: Home

(Logan hugged tiana)

Logan:You still looks fine 🤤

Tiana:boy bye

Chicken:Hold up is that tiana (looking from a far distance)

Chicken calling Hakeem

Hakeem:yo wassup

Chicken:you ain't go like this


Chicken:I see tiana in the mall hugging some dude

Hakeem:WHAT FT ME!!!

Chicken:ok dude

(Chicken FaceTime Hakeem)

Chicken showed Hakeem

(Hakeem threw his phone )


End Call

Hakeem POV

I can't believe tiana how can she do that first of all if you got a fiancé you not supposed to be hugging no nigga don't care who it is wait to she get home

A hour later):

Tiana walked in the door

Tiana):Hey baby how was your day


Tiana):what's wrong with you baby

Hakeem): Who is this tiana (showing her the picture the paparazzi took)


Hakeem):WHO TF IS IT!!!

Tiana):baby calm down

Hakeem):ANSWER ME!!!😡

Tiana):ok he just one of my ex's from high school

Hakeem): I know you fucking lying

Tiana):it not even that serious

Hakeem):Since you want to hug your ex go be with that nigga

Tiana):Hakeem it wasn't even like that

Hakeem):Let me see your phone



Tiana):Who you yelling at


Tiana):Here (gives Hakeem the phone)

Hakeem):oh so you and this nigga texting huh

Tiana):(playing her nails)

Hakeem):You never mentioned me

Tiana): Hakeem I

Hakeem):Exactly so go be with London or Logan whatever his name is

Tiana):Where are you going

Hakeem):obviously I'm not good enough for you so I'm leaving

Tiana): Hakeem wait don't go it's not really that serious


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