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Hakeem:are you ok

Tiana: I'm fine but if I see Anika I'm going to try to kill her

Hakeem:no your not you need some rest

Tiana:Omg I don't have time for this

Hakeem:look get some rest

Tiana: Can you just stop talking to me plz

Tamia: hormones

Tiana:can y'all just leave me alone and get out of this room cause y'all pissing me off



                The next day
At Anika House

Bella was still crying then there was a knock at the door

Child protective services:We are now going to take this child to her father

Anika:please don't take my baby away from me

Bella:take me plz (crying)

Anika:why are you talking her

Child Protective services:cause your are abusing her taking Bella and walking out

      A hour later

Tiana and Hakeem house

*There was a knock at the door*

Tiana: I will get it

Tiana open the door and was so happy

Blah Blah Blah

Bella: "mommy!" running to Tiana

Tiana:awww baby (crying)

Child Protective services:bye have a nice day

Tiana:you too

Bella:I miss you so much mommy (crying)

Tiana: I miss you more

Tiana close the door


Hakeem: I'm coming

When Hakeem got down stairs he ran to bella like he didn't see her in years



Bella:hey daddy I miss you

Hakeem: I miss you too

Tiana:ls I'm going crazy or bella look like she finna past out,bella is you ok (feeling her head)

Hakeem:She's burning up

Tiana:come on we have to take her to the hospital

Hakeem: Ok I will go get prince

Hakeem got the keys and Tiana started putting bella and prince in they car seat and they left

             At the hospital

Nurse:Bella Lyon

So they walked in the room and then the doctor came fast

Doctor:So I'm going to check her temperature and run a few test on her if that's ok

Tiana&Hakeem:that's fine

Tiana: I will go with her


10 minutes later

The doctor came in

Hakeem: is everything ok

Doctor:Mr.Lyon your daughter past out and she in room 135

Hakeem:wait what happen

Doctor:We were was running some tests and she just past out but she's ok

Hakeem:why did she just passed out

Doctor:cause she hasn't been eating and she got dizzy and passed out

Hakeem went in room 135

Tiana:Bella baby do you want happy meal

Bella:yes mommy hug

Tiana hugged Bella then Hakeem came in holding prince

Hakeem:are you ok

Bella: yes daddy I'm ok

Hakeem:bella baby why have you been eating

Bella:cause I didn't want to eat with that lady

Tiana: I'm going to go get her something to eat I will be right back

Hakeem:ok be safe

Few hours later

The nurse here is your discharge papers your safe to go


They left and went home

*At the house *

Tiana: I'm so tried I'm just finna go to sleep

Bella:I tried too

Tiana:come on let's go take a nap

Bella:ok (yawning)

Hakeem:So y'all just go,go to sleep on me

Tiana:yep popping the P

Hakeem: Bet

Tiana:Hakeem stop being childish and take a nap

Hakeem:ok luv


Bella:I'm so tired (falling to sleep in Tiana hand)

Tiana put bella in her bed and went to her and Hakeem bed then fell to sleep

Hakeem just kiss Tiana and starting to watch tv

5 minutes later

Bella:ahhhhhhh I want my momma Plz (she's having a nightmare)

Hakeem started running to bella room and he see her kicking and moving

Hakeem:Bella baby it ok

Bella: where's is mommy (crying)

Hakeem:she's sleeping but let's go wake her up


Hakeem tapped Tiana shoulder

Tiana:Omg my goodness what do you want

Hakeem:Bella had a bad nightmare and she was crying for

Tiana:awww it's ok baby

Bella:I'm still tried can I sleep with you mommy

Tiana:yea come on let's take a nap

Hakeem:I guess I will go watch the game

Tiana:bye(rocking Bella to sleep)

What should happen next???

Hakeem and Tiana FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now