Momma's Boy

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So I wake up to see Prince crying and I jump to see what wrong then I look at my phone to a message from Tiana saying that she was in the studio after that I said what's wrong son he said mama

Tiana POV

So I just finish recording and I FaceTime Hakeem and he answer and told me to please come home I ask why then he said Prince won't stop crying for you so I told him to give the phone to Prince why are you crying cwause I want you,ok mommy had to work and I'm on the way home so stop that crying ok and play with daddy and Bella with your toys ok,otay now give daddy the phone Hakeem I'm on the way

Bella :

I wake up looking for mommy I scream mommy mommy mommy then daddy came where is mommy she coming she was at work but she should be her any minute now come down stairs and eat ok,otay daddy I wove you I love you too Bella

Tiana: I'm otw home but first I have to go pick up the shirts that I ordered for me,hakeem,bella and prince they are so cute a few minutes later I arrived at the house so I open the door and said I'm home and all I can hear is running and I look to see Bella and Prince saying mommyyyy then they gave me a big hug and kiss me mommy I miss they said, I miss you more and then Hakeem came to me and give me a kiss saying hey babe what's in the bag shirts one set of shirts for me and you and the other shirt for me you and the kids that I ordered for us oh I will see them later he said ok

Tiana: I'm otw home but first I have to go pick up the shirts that I ordered for me,hakeem,bella and prince they are so cute a few minutes later I arrived at the house so I open the door and said I'm home and all I can hear is running and I look t...

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A few hours later

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A few hours later

No one POV
So Hakeem is thinking about asking Tiana to marry him again tonight so he call his parents and ask them can they watch bella and prince for the night so they said yea sure and Hakeem got happy then said I will drop them off at 7:30 ok cookie said so Hakeem told Tiana that he wanted  to take her some were and that his parents are going to watch the kids Tiana ok then she got ready and put this on and Hakeem put this on

No one POV So Hakeem is thinking about asking Tiana to marry him again tonight so he call his parents and ask them can they watch bella and prince for the night so they said yea sure and Hakeem got happy then said I will drop them off at 7:30 ok c...

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