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Anika:So I'm going to get full custody of Bella (talking to her mom)

Anika Mom:just be safe


So Anika left and went back to Hakeem and Tiana house and drop some custody papers and she had ring the door and left

Tiana: I going to get it


Tiana:there's nobody here then I look down and saw a big envelope that said Hakeem Lyon

Hakeem:who's at the door

Tiana:nobody but this envelope

Hakeem:let me see

Tiana gave the envelope to him and Hakeem started reading it and his face was mad

Tiana:what does it say

Hakeem:Anika want full custody of Bella

Tiana:You got to be kidding me


Tiana grabbed the paper was sad

Hakeem:it's ok she's not going anywhere


A hour later at luscious and        cookie mansion

Luscious:thirsty when is the court date

*Thirsty is luscious lawyer*

Thirsty:two days for here


Hakeem:Ma she not taking my daughter away from me

Cookie: I know (hugging Hakeem)

Luscious:look son just go home and get some rest

Hakeem: I will try (leaving his parents house)

Tiana:Bella come here

Bella:yes mommy

Tiana:look no matter what happen I want you to know that mommy love you ok

Bella:ok mommy (hugging Tiana)

Tiana:hold I here something

Hakeem:So I pulled up to my house and I see Blake car then I jump out car saying to myself plz don't let this be happening

Tiana:"Get off me!!!"

Blake:I been wanting you but you choose Hakeem so tonight I'm going to take advantage of you

Tiana:Noo plz don't do this plz!!!"

Hakeem:So I'm running to the door and all I can hear is Tiana screaming get off of me and Bella and prince crying

So Hakeem open the door with no hesitations and started beating the hell out of Blake.Hakeem beat Blake so bad that he was probably unconscious

Bella:daddy no !!!

Prince:(crying louder)

Tiana ran to the phone and call the police

Police:We will be on our way

Tiana:thank crying

Bella&Prince:Mommy!!! Running to Tiana crying and hugging her

Tiana:it's ok (crying)

Prince:no cry mommy no cry

Hakeem is still punching Blake till the police came in, and got Hakeem of him

The policeman grabbed Blake and handcuffed him then put him in the back of the police car

The other policeman:So what happen

Tiana: I was talking to bella and I heard some noise down stairs and I went to go see what it was then I turned around and Blake started kissing me then he threw me on the couch and got on top of me and he said I been want you but Hakeem took you so I'm going to take advantage of you then Hakeem came in, and started punching Blake

The policeman:ok thank you

The policeman left and Hakeem ran to Tiana and the kids

Bella&prince:daddy!! Crying

Hakeem:daddy's here

Hakeem started hugging prince and  Bella

Hakeem:are you ok did he hurt you

Tiana: I'm ok he didn't hurt me

Hakeem:come here I got us

Tiana:ok (crying)

Thank god blake didn't Rape Tiana


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