Mommy and me

395 22 3

Tiana: ok go down stairs and let mommy get ready ok

Bella: ok(running)

Tiana:Bella baby stop running for you hurt yourself

Bella:ok mommy

2 hours later

Bella:that was fun till you threw up

Tiana:Bella baby

Bella: yes mommy

Tiana:mommy have a baby in her belly

Bella:really mommy that's great

Moments later

Tiana:Bella baby are you ok


Tiana:every since I told you about the baby you got sad


Tiana:baby what's wrong don't cry mommy's here

Bella:mommy I need to ask you something

Tiana: ok baby what is it

Bella:when the New baby comes will you forget about me

Tiana:Of course not princess

Bella: I love you mommy

Tiana: I love you too sweetie

Bella: Is it a boy or a girl

Tiana:It's a girl


Tiana:Awwww Bella baby you are happy to have sister

Bella:yes mommy I'm excited

Tiana: That's great princess

Bella:mommy can we go shopping for the baby

Tiana:of course when do you want to go

Bella:Rn please

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