Chapter 5:getting to know you

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Paige's pov

I screamed and woke up. That was the most terrifying nightmare ever... I heard noises out side my door, and Jungkook came running in. "Are you ok, why did you scream?!?!" He came up to me and hugged me tight. "Oh, it was just a nightmare that's all." He did not seem convinced. "Do you want me to say here for the rest of the night?", "no that's fine, and what's tomorrow?" He looked at me confused. "Wednesday." Oh!! "Thanks, and do we have school tomorrow?" "No we don't."" Maybe we could go somewhere, instead of being stuck here." I thought about it for a minute. "That's sounds fine. Goodnight, again." He left my room and I drifted off back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, and went down to eat. "Hey, Paige. How are you?" Jin questioned me. He must have heard me yell last night. "I am fine, thank you." I sat down and started eating. Jungkook came down the stairs, and I did not realize till he came in the kitchen. HE WAS NOT WEARING A SHIRT!!!! I quickly turned away and ran out the door. I ran into someone on the way out, when I looked up it was jungkook.

"Oh, u-um... s-sorry, I-I am going to get ready to l-leave." I ran up the stairs. And as I took off I heard jin yelling at jungkook.

Jungkook's pov

"WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING A SHIRT, THERE IS A GIRL PRESENT!?!?" Man, why is he so mad. Oh!! I forgot I took off my shirt, cause I got hot in the middle of the night. "I just got hot, and I forgot I did not put it back on." I went up stairs and got dressed. I feel so confused. Why would she be so nervous. As I walked out of my room, so did Paige at the time. She turned and looked at me, then ran off. Wait, did she blush?

I went down stairs and told everyone that Paige and I was going out. Which they took it the wrong way. "Ooh. Are you dating her? Do you like her?" J-hope kept on asking me. Ugh, can't they just leave me alone. Paige came into the leaving room and everyone went quite. "What?" She looked confused. "Nothing, come on let's go." I grabbed her hand and we left. We walked for about 15 minutes in complete silence. This is getting awkward, maybe I should say something. "Hey, were do you want to go?" She looked at me, "I don't know, I am craving some kimchi."

"There is a good restaurant and they have the best kimchi." We kept waking till we reached
the restaurant. "Hey, jungkook. How did you know about this place?" Hm, let's see. "After practice sometimes, I would come here and eat." "By yourself?" She seemed interested. "Tell me about yourself jungkook, I don't really know anything about you." Well here is goes. "Well I became part of BTS when I was 15. I am 17 now so I have been with them for two years now. I came to your school, because I wanted o know what it felt like it be a normal kid." I looked at her waiting for her reply. "Wow, do you like performing?"

"Yes,I do. It's the best thing to do. When you are up on stage and see everyone cheering you on. It's really amazing, I love experiencing new things." She looked at me then said. "Maybe I will come to one of your concerts." I was really happy to hear that. "That will be great!" We finished eating and for the rest of the time we talked about ourselves. I found out he reason why she does not sing. It's all because she is scared, of what people will think. I can understand. I am glad though she is finally starting to warm up to me.

When we was finished we went to the park. she looked so happy, I am glad she is enjoying herself. I hope she does not have another nightmare tonight. As we walked we saw a bench and sat down on it. These people walked behind us, and one of them pushed me. Causing me to crash into Paige. When I opened my eyes I had fallen on top of her. I quickly got up. "I am so sorry Paige." I helped her up off the ground. "It's fine, don't worry about it." She brushed herself off. We left the park and was heading back home.

When we got home I was so happy. "Hey,want to come up my room. I have something for you?" I looked at her almost begging. She ends up coming with me. "Close your eyes." I grabbed the gift I got for her. I went back up to her, "ok, now open." She opened her eyes, and look at me confused. "What's this for?" "Its, just a little welcome gift. Now open it!!" I was rushing her. She laughed at how I was acting. "Oh, it's a necklace. It's beautiful, I love it!!!" She gave me a tight hug, and I hugged her back. "I am glad you like it."

When she got up to leave she turned around and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt my face get hot. She left the room, and so many questions came all at once.
Why, did she kiss me on the cheek?
Does this mean something?
No, she probably did it as a friend. Just to be nice. I felt so nervous when she did though. What is this feeling inside me. I should ask jin or namjoon about it later, what it means. For right now I am just glad, that she is finally opening up to me.

Maybe we are getting closer to each other.
Thanks for reading!!! Hoped you enjoyed. Aww, they are finally getting close to each other. Let's see what's happens next, shall we?

Bonded by music (jungkook fanfic) [completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora