Chapter one: meeting

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Paige's pov

"PAIGE WAKE UP!!!" That was the sound of my mother. I don't want to go to school today,we are suppose to have a new student. I hate having new kids come. I quickly got dressed and went down stairs for breakfast. "Hey, mom." "Good morning, now eat and go to school." After I ate my breakfast I headed for school. When I got there, there was girls screaming someone's name.

"Hey, Sarah. Who are they saying?" I ask my one and only best friend Sarah. We have been friends since kindergarten. "Oh, it's jeon jungkook. He is from BTS, and he is the new bit coming to our school." BTS, uh I heard that name before. Why would a pop star come to our school? I decided just to go on to class and ignore everyone. Until Sarah caught up with me.

"Hey, can i ask you something?" "What." "Well it's just that, I meet this guy and he is really nice and— I cut her off before she could say anything else. "What have I tolled you. I don't want to date anyone." She has been trying to get me to date for almost two years now. I just don't see the point in dating someone, that might break my heart.

"Look I have to get to class. Talk to you later, bye." I waved at her and rushed to class before she could say anything else about dating. When I got to class, I sat in my normal seat. When the teacher came in we stood up. "Good morning." Said the whole class.

"Good morning class, as you all know we have a new student with us today. His name is jeon jungkook, and I want all of you to treat him with respect." Then the door opened and there was a guy that walked in. This must be that new kid. "Hello, my name is jeon jungkook. Nice to meet you all." He said with the happiest grin of all time. "Alright jeon jungkook you can sit by Paige." Oh no, she did not just say my name. Next thing I new he sat right beside me.

He then stuck out his hand. "Hello, I am jeon jungkook. You can call me jungkook for short." Man, I hate this guy already. But the teacher will get mad if I say something rude. So I shook his hand. "Hello, I am Paige." I then turned back around and got out all my stuff, and waited for the teacher to begin with class.
When the bell ranged I got up to leave. On my way out the teacher called me. "Paige, I was wondering if you could show mr. Jeon jungkook around school." Of course I cant say no to the teacher. "Yes, I will. I don't mind at all." Lie, I do mind a whole lot. I rather spend this time going to break, then showing this kid around.

"Well, come on." He started to follow me, without a word. " hey are you scared of me or something?" "Oh, I was just thinking do you have a music room here?" Hm, do we? Then I remembered that we do. "Yes we do, follow me." Of course he followed me like a little lost puppy. When we arrived at the music room, he looked so happy. Like a kid that just got a new toy. "Wow, this is so cool. Hey can you play an instrument?" I was shocked that he ask me that question. I did not want to tell him anything, incase he was like a stalker. But he looked nice enough so I answered his question.

"Yes, I am learning guitar." "Hey that's pretty cool. I love to play instruments, and sing. Do you sing?" I had no clue what to say this time I decided to make something up. " um, I would love to chat more, but I am going to head for my next class." "Oh, ok well can you show me to this class room?" He showed me his classes and then I saw that he had all the same classes as me. "Oh!!" "What is it?" " we have all the same classes." "THATS SO COOL!!!" He was really excited when I tolled him that. Man, what up with this kid? "Well come on, after this class we can go eat lunch." Then we headed off to the next class.

When the bell finally ranged for lunch, I was so happy because I was starving. Then I forgot about jungkook. I have to show him where to go. "Jungkook, come on let's go eat" "ok, I am coming."

Jungkook's pov

After Paige showed me the music room, I was glad to find out we have all the same classes. But I think she don't like me much. I was thankful when she still showed me around. Then we walked to the cafeteria, I got my food and went to sit by her. She looked at me funny, and so did some on the kids. Why are they looking at me like that? "Why are you sitting here?" "Oh, cause I don't know anyone else here. Is it all right if I sit here?" " yeah sure." She said, but she did not look happy. Then this girl came over and gave Paige a hug. Who is she?

Paige's pov

I was happy just eating by myself, when jungkook came over. I decided to confront him and ask what he was doing. "Why are you sitting here?" I did not want him sitting with me. "Oh, cause I don't know anyone else here. Is it all right if I sit here?" He said of course I said sure, I did not want to hurt his feelings. Then Sarah came over and gave me a hug. Usually when she does this it means that she found a guy for me, again. And right now I am not in the mood. "Hey Paige, so guess what!!" Then she looked over and saw jungkook. When jungkook saw she was looking at him he said, "hello, my name is jeon jungkook. You can call me jungkook. What's your name?" She looked shocked, I nudged her a bit with my elbow to snap her out of it. It worked. "Oh, umm my name is Sarah. Paige's best friend."

"Well nice to meet you." Why does he have to be nice to everyone. "So, Sarah you have some news for me?" "Hm, oh not anymore." What is she up to. Then when I thought about it, oh no she better not try to pair me up with jungkook!!! Then the bell ranged for next class. Ugh when can school be over.....
2 hours later...
The last bell finally ranged. YESSS,I CAN GO HOME!!! But then a I was waking past the school gate, someone caught my wrist. When I turned around it was jungkook. "Ah, what are you doing?!?" " oh, I was wondering if you want me to walk you home?" "No thanks. I can walk by myself." Then I left. I felt guilty for leaving him there, but oh well. When I got home Sarah texted me...

* Paige, can I ask you something?*
*sure, go ahead.*
* do you like jungkook?*

I was amazed to here her osay that, or text it. She should know better I will never like a guy, never.
*no, now leave me alone. I have homework to do.*

I turned off my phone. It was a lie I did not have homework. But I am not going to listen to her anymore. I do not like jungkook and I never will.

Jungkook's pov

When she left I could not help feel upset. Why did she leave like that? I was just being nice. I decided to walk home by myself to think. Paige is different than most girls. She does not stare at me or bother me. But why won't she be nicer to me? When I finally got home I was greeted my the rest of BTS. Everyone: "hey, our maknae. How your first day at your new school?" The truth was I went to a new school to take a break from performing. I wanted to know what it felt like to be a normal kid.
"It was fine, I meet a girl. Her name is Paige, but I don't him she likes me much." " hey don't feel upset, you just meet her. Give her a couple of days to get used to you." Namjoon said. He is like a father to me. Always watches out for me. I decided to go up to my room and rest.

So many questions was going through my mind. Why does Paige not like me? Why won't she tell me if she liked to sing? I should confront her about it tomorrow. I looked at the time 8:00pm. Man, I spent the rest of the day in my room. I laid down and feel asleep. That night I dreamt of Paige.

Authors note*
Hello. Thank you for reading chapter one, of bonded my music. I hope you enjoyed. Find what happens next in chapter 2.

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