Prolouge - Part 2

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Himiko yawned, confused. She sat up, looking around, trying to recall how she got there. "Nyeh... I didn't fall asleep in class again, did I?" she asked herself, thinking hard. She stood up and scratched her head. No, this wasn't her classroom. The metal plates on the windows made that obvious. Wait, metal plates? Himiko panickeda little, confused and afraid. She glanced at the whiteboard at the fromt of the room, it read; "Meet in the gym as 6:15 sharp! No earlier, no later!" After reading that, Himiko turned to look at the clocm she'd noticed on the wall earlier. "Ten past... I need to hurry," she murmured, holding onto the straps of her backpack as she used a foot to push open the classroom door, for no apparent reason. Himiko wandered the halls, but not for long, as she encountered a familiar girl."Tenko!" she called out, spring down the hall towards her friend. "Tenko, I'm so glad I -" Himiko stopped herself. "What are you wearing?" Himiko asked, emphasising the last word. Tenko was wearing a long black dress that reached her ankles with a white trim and flower pattern along the left side of the skirt. Her sleeves reached her wrists, but her hands weren't visible at all, instead, they were covered with black gloves. A frilled headband replaced her regular one. Her usual 'I-don't-care'-style sandals were replaced with shoes with laces, her hair neatly tied back into two plaits. She now looked the part for her Ultimate Talent, but still, it made no sense.

"I could ask you the same question," Tenko responded while gently resting a hand atop Himiko's head. Himiko glanced down at herself, confused. Now her friend's comment made sense. Himiko was wearing a white button-up shirt, orange tie and light red vest, which was slightly too big for her, hanging over the dark red skirt she wore, with black lines on them, accompanied by music notes, seemingly for piano. To go with all of the previously stated, Himiko also wore brown-red knee-height socks and red trainers, as well as several hairclips shaped like various music notes.

"Huh?" Himiko gasped.
"Yeah. I'm comfused too," Tenko smiled in response, trying to be sipportive. The two looked for a while longer before stumbling upon the gymnasium. Tenko pushed the door before them open, the two of them being greeted with the sight of fourteen others, all appearing to be of similair age to them. "That makes sixteen," a boy with long, dark hair pointed out. "Does anyone here know what's going on?" Tenko asked the group before them, "Why are we here? Where are we?"
"Trust me, we've been trying to answer those questions too," a girl with white hair falling messily over her shoulders laughed, "but there just seems to be no answers!"
"I suppose, while were here, we should all introduce ourselves to eachother, correct?" a boy with dark blue-teal hair asked, adjusting the silver-rimmed goggles atop his head.
"Yeah! That sounds like a good idea!" a blonde-haired girl replied. Her eyes made it appear that she smiled, but the lower half of her face was covered with a mask.

"Anyone want to go first?" that same blonde girl asked.
"Oh! Oh! Me!" a short boy with purple hair jumped up and down, waving his arms in the air, "I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Mage!"
"But magic isn't -" the boy with dark blue-teal hair tried to explain.
"Well, I'm technically just the Ultimate Magician but whatever. Girl with the white hair, you go!" Kokichi Oma. Ultimate Magician. Noted.

"Alrighty!" she almost sung. "Name's Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! It is truly a divine opportunity, meeting you all!"
"Ultimate Supreme Leader?" a girl with blonde hair, that appeared ever so slightly tinted pink, chimed in, "What kind of talent is that?" she asked.
"Well, I'm the leader of a super evil secret organisation, of course! Wait, I wasn't meant to say that yet," Angie paused, then shrugged, "oh well, Atua is sure to forgive me for this small mistake! Grey jacket!" she pointed to another girl.

"My name is Kirumi Tojo," the girl in question nodded, "I am the Ultimate Astronaut," she ever so slightly adjusted the jacket she wore. Plain grey aside from the spiderweb-like pattern on the breast pocket, with sparkling star-shaped sequins littered across it. She also wore a long black skirt that appeared to have some form of a galaxy pattern across is. "I suppose it is my turn to choose someone? My apologies, I don't know your name, the girl with the dark pigtails," she nodded her head to her.
"Maki Harukawa, Ultimate Artist," she said flatly, almost without care. Maki wore a typical school uniform, white button-up shirt, but a dull green checkered skirt, as well as an apron over the both. "Purple hair," she glanced at the boy to her right. "Kaito Momota, Ultimate," then, he paused, catching a sharp glance from Maki, "oh, wait, I - I don't remember," he spoke almost anxiously, as if stepping on thin ice. Kaito wore a school uniform too, white shirt, black trousers. "You don't remember?" Kokichi asked, then, turned his words into a taunt, "Wow, how impressive! Ultimate Memory Loss, I'm amazed!"
"Kokichi, that is unnecessary and rude," Kirumi scolded him. In response, Kokichi sighed, but smiled still. "Anyway, red hair, you go next," he smiled to Himiko.

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