ABT: Don't Think this is Over

Start from the beginning

"Asshole! White yells then look at me "Go find your Boyfriend!, " She whispers as I blush "

"H-He's No--NOT MY BOYFRIEND" I Stuttered Screaming running into the halls looking for Red.

I ran face first into Yellow who was helping Blue from underneath some rubble.

"I can't lift it Blue!" Yellow says crying "I Don't want you to die yet, " Yellow says crying as her cheeks go Red. "I like you blue come on! Don't die" Yellow stutters blushing

"I like you too!" Blue begins to cry

"Now is NOT THE time You two!" I scream reaching into Blues bag for Eevee's Pokeball. "Eevee comes on--" I say releasing Blues Eevee but instead find another totally different Pokemon.

"Drakeon?" I Muttered looking at Blue

A/N Fakemon Check First chapter towards the bottom to see the picture. It's black because it originally was a male Eevee

Drakeon saw his trainer Blue and used dragon claw on the rubble to free his Trainer.

"have you seen Red" I asked Yellow who replied "He rans towards the boys bathroom on the first floor, last time I saw him" yellow replied voice higher than usual helping blue stand due to his injured foot.

I heard the ceiling begin Cracking above us looking up beginning to fall as I scream.

"Squishy Come on And help them!" I hear a woman's voice and opening my eyes seeing the Aloskan Champion Bonnie Citron with the Ceiling that previously was above us broken into little pieces around us.

"C'mon students get to your classrooms where you will be safe!" The Aloskan Champion scurries around helping each student with her pokemon doing the same.

I get to a safe classroom and begin looking out the window to see the Urban Legend in front of the Weirdly dress supervillain.

The champion returned with some more students and saw me by the window.

"Get away from the window its not..." Bonnie screamed then saw the figure outside "He's Real...?"

Ash's POV

I see the woman wearing the nihilego mask begin floating away to retreat.
"No....?" Nihilegirl Tilts her head in fear "You cannot be real..., " The figure yells "Your a Myth..."

She floats away until I cannot see her with Gary and Gladion still hypnotized. The whole way up she screamer

"DO" Her words repeated until I couldn't hear them anymore...

I lunged towards Gladion to punch at supersonic speeds getting rid of the Effect of The Poison. Gary took this as a chance to punch me. I was about to be hit when a flamethrower attack was sent towards Gady burning his first before he could hit me.

I took the chance to punch Gary who was burned. I punched him but not because he was hypnotized but because he deserved it.

Gladion who had finished recovering from the punch looked at me "Is he one of yours?"

"No, " I smiled "He's a new Aura user to be trained," I say as Red disappears running into the school with his mask off.

I see the Aloskan champion run outside screaming "YOUR REAL?!" I turn towards the champion flipping the Pink Whip around using it as a catapult for my body as I disappear from the scene completely.

Bonnie looks at Electgiral who she knew from the Fake Memorial I had set up using my ghost.

"Gary is that the Same GreninjaGuy as I think it is?" Bonnie says picking up the other hero

Gary was about to say my name put saw my Greninja watching over from the top of the 100 Ft Tall Clock tower.

"No," Gary said with his voice crackling "I though at first but, He's Clearly not Ash"

Seeing through the eyes of Greninja I saw Gary's face and could tell he was lying.

"I've known you sense we were babies to know your lying," I transfer a message in his head"Thanks Gare Bear"

Gary smiles walking towards blue who was lying down being treated by doctors.

Gary, still dressed up as Electirvarl put his hand on blues head and smiled "Thank god..." he said passing out on the floor.

3 Months Later
Time Skip
Red's POV

The School had to be closed down for a month. The news had reported the incident as a terrorist attack saved by the Urban Legend GreninjaGuy who had instantly disappeared from sight once the battle was finished. The school had to be repaired from the damage. It was all the media was talking about. 5 more photos had been uploaded to the internet. Eleciviral was exposed as Gary and was being treated as a hero. He was given money for saving the children. In my opinion, he didn't do enough, hell he even tried to hit GreninjaGuy. Speaking of him, The news of a GreninjaGuy sighting was all the news could talk about for 2 months Champions from almost all regions visited the remains of the once small school to donate money for rebuilding the school. Only a few people reported The bad side of the story. What no media would report, however, was that the villain got away.

I talked with my classmates about the situation, some would have a trauma for years. The usually bright and happy girl White was actually depressed which Black helped her through. The had hooked up and began dating.Somehow Matteo got the courage to ask Fientla out to all of our surprises. I think the bigger surprise was when she yes. They became good friends fast and are even feeding each other with spoons which is totally weird to me.

Speaking of Friends Blue and Yellow had hooked up and was dating. Apparently, they admitted their feelings when Blue was stuck under a rock and couldn't get out. Green has also been more cheerful lately and acting more clingy towards me and Yellow. I have to admit I kinda like it. She makes feel good about itself.

Something only Me, Blue, yellow and Green noticed, however, was that Mr.Satoshi had completely vanished the whole time that event went down.

I finally consider Serena my mom because she promised she would never leave me.

Serena finally gotten a call from the school to announce the Schools reopening. We were even getting at new Female student who was also adopted.

I told Green this news and she got upset at how happy I was. Still can't figure out why though. I just like the company, Somebody that will understand my pain of going from house to house would be good to talk too!


1677 words Total(BEFORE The Line)

We, Will, be going back to the school part of the story for a while cause I know some of you are probably sick of the constant superhero aspect of the story.

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