ABT: Unmasked

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Betrayed Highschool Teacher
Chapter 8

I Lied SCHOOL's Next Chapter

Red's POV

I've been my aura for three months with the Charizard mask that helped me train my Powers. I had found an area in the nearby forest where practiced my powers. I apparently finished my training with the beginner mask and my ears don't bleed anymore when using aura.

My training area is right outside of MT. Kobak's entrance for the cave. I've made a little house out of bricks I can rest in. Pikachu is surprisingly good at finding food and firewood. I think he had search for food before with his old trainer.

At this point in time I don't need the mask to use Aura anymore. I've only told one person about this power and it was Green. I surprisingly trust her more than Serena/Mom.

I also caught quite a few Pokemon while training. I have a Charmelon who often spars with my Arthabask an Ice and Fairy type. Arthabask is my 2nd most powerful pokemon I own.

"I See you've mastered the first tier of Aura Masks" A voice appeared to be called out from the wind. "Master Ash was right to recommend you," the voice said as a Figure in a Blue and Black coat appeared sitting on log covered snow. I've become used to people coming out of nowhere since I lived on the streets for over 13 years of my life.

"I've heard that name before" I said looking at the figure. "Who is he?

"He was a betrayed Teenager at the time, " The figure said as my Pokemon continued to train behind me "Around your age to be honest"

My Pikachu Ears poked up walking towards me seeing the Man I'm talking too. He jumped on my Shoulder, climbing on my head. He lifted up my hat off my head then laid on my head. where my hat was originally putting at hat back.

The man identified him self as Riley Steel an Aura Master, the 2nd strongest currently alive.

As I was listening to the story of Ash Ketchum. I was told of the horrific Things people tried to do to him. Since Riley has aura he could tell who or who wasn't lying based on the light spectrum people gave off surrounding their bodies. People thought he murdered the Aether President while in Ultraspace because the current Aether President Lille Moone said so. Riley could see who was lying from that event and who wasnt and Lille was Lying. Ash however couldn't be fact checked because he was an Aura User the strongest in 300 years. He hadn't even trained his aura and it surpassed Riley a fully trained Aura Master. His friend Gladion, Our principle was fact-checked by Riley when he claimed that she died from an ultrabeasr because they couldn't reach her to save her in time.

He told me I had been chosen by Ash ketchem, The number one Aura User in the world.

He told me all people have the ability to aura. But few can see the vibrations people give off. He told me the origin of Aura and how it originally was a Type. Similar to Pokemon Types it was a Move and A Type. Over generations of Pokemon, they simply evolved over time changing into they are now.

Riley then told me to find GreninjaGuy or Ash Ketchum and to look for his rare Light Blue Color. He told me that a Battle Bond Greninja or A Greninja with the Bond Phenomenon is more Light blue then Dark blue or Gray instead of Black.

"So did you give me that mask?" I asked Riley who smiled.

"Yes did you like it?" Riley laughed

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