"It transfers this energy into a shield of sorts and then allows the shielded person to use the energy as makeshift body armour!" Asclepius waited for the applause.

None came. He turned around with his hands on his hips and found the others looking at him with wide eyes.

He rubbed his platinum blond hair to the side. "What now?"

"I... don't follow." Theia spoke up for all of them.

Asclepius gritted his teeth; "I'm not surprised."

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order?" Casseus smirked and knew something was bound to go wrong.

Claudeus, who was by far the only other young god clever and intelligent enough to truly understand Asclepius' whirlwind of a mind, shrugged and slanted his eyes with indifference; "I see no point to this... thing."

"You wound me, cousin." Asclepius glared at Claudeus and lifted a finger in the air with determination, his other hand still on his hip. "I need a volunteer. Morpheus?" Asclepius looked to his other cousin, but the young god lifted a nervous eyebrow.

"Uh... I'll pass." The god of dreams and prophecies smiled tightly and scooted closer to the door, in case anything went wrong. And things usually went wrong when Asclepius hadn't tested out his designs first.

"I'll do it." Triton said with his mouth full of fruit and pushed the pip into his cousin's hand. Malreus pulled a disgusted face and rolled his eyes.

"Excellent." Asclepius rubbed his hands like an evil genius would. To be fair, he wasn't all that far from one. "Prepare to be amazed!"

Beside the chamber where the children were preparing their experiment, a council meeting was taking place

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Beside the chamber where the children were preparing their experiment, a council meeting was taking place.

Apollo sighed- a trait he'd clearly passed on to his own son. "I do not care about what the wood nymphs want- those forest are invested with sprites. I need them cleared out."

"Yes, but it's not that easy." His royal advisor said. Aurora elegantly placed her one leg over the other and leaned back in her high-backed chair. They were all seated around the large, round, golden table.

The council consisted of the emperor's closest and most trusted advisors and fellow rulers.

A lot had changed over the many years. Apollo was now called the emperor, and his lands were divided into different empires, all run by their own kings. Apollo still had domain and supreme rule over the capital- Olympus.

Hades and Thanatos shared the vast Underworld as two kings. Thanatos was the king of the Northern empire and Hades the king of the Southern empire.

Poseidon remained the king of Atlantis and the oceans. All the kings were still under Apollo's governance, but they had more freedom in their own lands than before the change in the ruling structure.

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