Driving me crazy

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Briar prov
I can't deal with it anymore, I can't deal with the fact that I see him everyday, I can't deal with him having another girlfriend. It hurts. I know we were never together in the first place but I still like him a lot, and he knows it and he just rubs it in my face. It's frustrating, why does he do this to me. Arrr it's driving me crazy. The most annoying thing is that I can't get over him, i wish I could, oh how I wish... but I can't and I don't know why.
I need to distract myself, what shall I do though. I know I'll go and meet up with the girls, this better keep my mind off him.

~Time skip~

I'm finally with the girls, Shelby, Victoria, Logan and Jordan. I think it starting to work I haven't though about him for awhile, we just having fun at the beach swimming, sunbathing and playing games. I'm happy the plan worked...until he came. Oh I forgot to mention his girlfriend is Logan, but I didn't think she would invite him.
I'm still friends with Logan, even though I fancy her boyfriend, she still a nice girl. But this has got be back to square one, thinking of him arrggg.

Myles prov
I'm meeting Logan at the beach, only for one reason though briar. Yeah this makes me sound like a jerk, but I can't help it I began to like her while I was in a relationship with Logan and I'm too chicken to break up with her. It frustrates me that
I can't be with briar cause I'm too scared to break up with someone ahhh, I need
I sort this out, it's driving me crazy.
As I got to the beach, I see her, she just so beautiful m. Oh I definitely need to sort this out. Logan come up to me and gives me a peck on the cheek, should I do this now, I have to before I chicken out again.
" umm Logan, can I ummm talk to you"
"Sure babe"
We walked to the other side of the beach to get some privacy.
" umm well you see I..I...I"
"Myles I know what this is about, you like briar and well I know it will hurt me but I can't keep you guys from being happy so go get her"
Omg did she actually just let me go, she such a nice girl and she deserves someone better.
"Thank you so much"
After that I ran towards her, I need to tell her how I feel.

Briar prov
Of course they have to go off together all romantically. Arrr this is frustrating. Wait hold on why is he running over here.
"Briar" he yells out of breath, but some how still look really hot. " umm yeah" why do I have to get nervous now dam it
" I need to tell you something... I like you a lot"
Omg it happening, oh I'm now glad this boy drives me crazy.

Again I'm sorry it been a long time, but I how you enjoy this one shot Xox

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