Secret (2)

978 20 12

Briar prov
I slowly walk to my new class, hoping just hoping that I don't get recognised or just put in the spotlight as the new girl.
As I enter my English class I go to the teacher, you know to explain who I am and stuff. Mrs Rose, well I think that's her name, told me to sit next to this boy, who looks wow, nope briar what you on about. Ahhh teenage years. As I sit down he looks up giving me a genuine smile, which I'm so thankful as I haven't seen one of those in a while. But now I am think about it he seem lost, like his mind and heart feels empty. You probably like what are you in a about, well one part of my powers is that a can sort of sense someone emotions not fully but just enough that I can see that he has a whole inside like something or someone missing.
Today must be crazy day cause I decided to speak to him. Urg I'm meant to stay out of people way. Dam it.
"Umm hey, I'm briar" I whispered trying not to get in trouble by the teacher on my first day, probably not a good idea, especially when I'm trying to stay out of the spotlight.
" oh hey, I'm Myles... briars a cute name btw"
Did he really just say that god people here are forward but I'm not complaining he is cute no denying that. " umm thanks" I say trying to hide my blush behind my hair.

Myles prov
Her name is so pretty, I didn't think I would actually say it out loud it just slipped, I think it made her uncomfortable. Dam it great first impression Myles. We don't speak through the rest of English, but I really want to get to know her. You know what I'm going to find her at lunch, maybe she the thing missing.

Part 3 ? Xox

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