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Richelle prov
I was at the mall when it started raining, I knew it may rain for while so I decided to go to a coffee shop at catch up on some school work and you know get a coffee.
As I walk in I scan my surroundings, it's a simple but cute shop and it's not very busy, as everyone usually goes to Starbucks right round the corner but there are a few people and one in particular court my eye. Ok fine it a cute boy,  it a teenage sense to spot them ok... I'm getting distracted right school Richelle school.
I get my coffee from the nice waitress and begin with work.
10 minuets go by and I keep seeing the boy look at me, like does not have anything else to look at cause it's starting to get a tad creepy.
Another 10 minuets go by and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable.
Ok that's it I'm going over to him.
"Excuse me but why are you staring?" I ask trying to be nice as possible so I don't come across too rude because well he is cute.
"Umm mmm" he stutters " well I kinda think you cute" ok wow... did not expect that. He thinks I'm cute really... has he seen himself he the cute one. Ok Richelle act cool ok you can do this, " oh really, well I think your cute two" as I slowly sit opposite to him.

Noah's prov
Omg she actually came over, ok Noah play it cool don't make it awkward, "s-so am I aloud to know your name?" Really Noah you had to be dork and ask ever so politely. Oh god. She begins to giggle and says " my names Richelle, and yours?" Her name so so beautiful. Oh no I'm staring... ok just say your name "Noah"

After that we began talking and  you could say we just clicked. We became best of friends and even more .....

Hey guys I wanted to thank you for 1k reads it means so much to me, again that you for you support❤️ and I hoped you liked this quick little one shot Xox

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