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F/n pov
After a while of flying carla gets tired of carrying wnedy due to the physocal strain so i fly above them and grab wendy's dress and put an arm around carla. "Thank you F/n, i was getting tired." I smile and reply "no problem," i then get wendy into a more secure grip and then smile and say "im going to be going a little faster now so you may want to brace yourselves." I then speed up to a ludicrous speed and then slow down as we reach extalia and i land in the town.

Many of the exceeds are pointing at me wendy and carla, they are trying to tell them that they are in danger but they refuse to believe them. Then who i assume is the queen turns up. Time slows down again and in a commanding tone etherio says "fall to your knee with your left knee being the one that is at a 90 degree angle and your right fisr is on the floor next to it with you left arm resting on your left knee." I do as he says and time speeds up again. Wendy and carla look cknfused at me. My head is pointing towards the floor, when i hear a voice tell me "sayain you can arise." I stand up. The older exceeds seem a bit surprised and the younger exceeds seem excited. "I am surprised to see a sayain in edolus again" says the queen who then says "i am queen shagot and i want to know how you got here." I look at her and say "i came through a hole in the sky when i was back home as this world took my friends and family away from me." She smiles and says "so there are more sayains here" i look down and say "no my and my biological parents were the last 3 sayains and i killed them due to them trying to kill my real mom." She looks confused so i explain my adoption by erza. She smiles and i then ask "how did you know i was sayain and what do you mean your surprised to see a sayain here again" she then looks sad and says "many years ago the humans of edolus used a magical weapon called the dorma anim or dragon knight and they attacked the sayains. Those who were not killed escaped to earthland qith the help of us exceeds due to them acting like our warriors." I nod and finally understand my heritage and why i like foghting so much. Time slows down "you are home, however you cant stay here long because today, you either die and never see any of ypur family again. Or you win the oncoming fight and all magic is purged from edolus" i nod and say "well its time to purge edolus then" time speeds back up. Whilw i was talking to etherio the queen had explained to the exceeds that they were powerless. Suddenly a giant lacrima which had our friends in it was hurtleing towards extalia. "I WONT ALLOW THAT LACRIMA TO BE DESTROYED NOR WILL I ALLOW MY HOMELAND TO BE DESTROYED. YOU MAY FEEL LIKE YOU POWERLESS, BUT YOU AR FAR FROM IT, YOU HAVE EACH OTHER YOU HAVE WINGS NOW HELP ME PUSH THIS LACRIMA AWAY FROM OUR HOMELAND, OR IT WILL PERISH ALONG WITH MY FRIENDS. IF YOU STILL THINK THAT YOU CANT DO ANYTHING JUST IMAGINE WHAT YOU WOULD SAY TO YOUR CHILDREN IF YOU SURVIVE, IMAGINE TELLING THEM THAT AS OUR HOME WAS DESTROYED YOU JUST STOOD THERE AND WATCHED IT FALL. NOW WHOSE WITH ME!" I shout so that all exceeds could hear me. "We are" all of the exceeds say "THEN ITS TIME TO GO FULL POWER." i shout as i start to power up "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH" i turn super sayain 2 and hold nothig backas i take flight and speed towards the floating island and start pushing.

Erza pov
I feel a familiar magical force next to me and as i look i see my child using his full power to try and push the island and not far behind him were most of the exceeds as some of them were a bit slower. I smile at him "good that you finally joined the party" they smiles and continues pushing harder and harder. I smile at heir determination. We finally stop the island. I can see the strain that F/n put into it as he was the strongest physically if not magically. I can see tears in their eyes. I reach over and pull them into a tight embrace "Its okay its over now" i whisper into their ears. They grab a hold of me and jumps and i look down to see a beam similar to his fly beneath them.

F/n pov
As i land again i look for the source of the beam and see another sayain. "You will die for siding with the exceeds the humans are the powerful race in this world" he shouts with bitterness present in his voice. He then charges up to super sayain 2. He has black hair that goes straight up in a spiky way much like a hedgehog, he seems to be much older than me. I chatge up my power and turn super sayain 2. He looks surprised. "Mom you need to keep everyone safe, i seem to have to fight this other sayain." She nods.

I then charge at him and try to punch his face but he dodges and punches my ribs, luckily they dont break but they do hurt like hell. I then dodge a kick tnat was sent at my head and punch him in the stomach. We then co tinue to dodge some of each others attacks but getting hit by most of them. We both try to throw a punch but end up just punching eachothers fist causing a shockwave to be thrown throughout edolus. We look around and see that the dorma anim has awoken, we both grip our head and scream in agony, as we hear our ancestors scream in pain and in horror. They finally stoo and we look at eachother and he says "look maybe you were right, we need to destroy that thing" he then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pair of earig which are gold with green orbs on the bottom and he says "these are potara earings, they will give us a permenant fusion of bodies." I hate the idea of fusing with him "i can defeat this thing on my own" i spit at him with disdain "look we all thought that when it was first used, now look at the sayain race, just the two of us, we dont have a choice." I start to think as he places one of the earings. Time slows down. "Put that thing in your ear, you will have control, you are the future of the sayain race."

Erza Scarlet x Male child saiyan readerWhere stories live. Discover now