Chapter 17

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"Okay now?" Alec asked while slowly running hands through Magnus's hair. Magnus was sitting on Alec's lap and Alec was sitting on the couch. Magnus's tears seemed to gone but still he was hiccuping.

"Yes" Magnus replied weakly.

"Good" Alec kissed Magnus's forehead.

"Babe" "Hmm..."

"If it really bothers you, I'll go to France." Magnus looked at Alec. He didn't feel much emotions. He just stared at him.

"But before that.. I have something to ask"

"What is it?" Magnus asked.

Alec took a deep breath. "Will you marry me?" Alec just asked. Magnus blinked few times. Maybe he always thought about marriage he was mishearing things.

"Sorry, can you repeat? Didn't hear you" Alec bit his lip a bit and closed his eyes. After taking a long deep breath , Alec looked at Magnus.

"Will you Marry me Magnus Bane?"

"I didn't hear you again, I think" Magnus tilted his head.

"FINE" 'was Magnus trying now to hurt Alec by Alec pushed Magnus from his lap and stood up. Magnus stumbled but quickly stood up.

"Sorry for being an idiot. I'm going out"

"Alexander wait. Correct me if I'm wrong, did you just propose to me? That is how I heard"

"No, I just ask if we can adopt two boys" Alec rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Magnus perked up.

"NO! What you heard is right. I just proposed to you and now you rejected me by acting dumb. How stupid do you think I am?"

"No no no no dumbass. I was not rejecting you. Stay here. Just staaaay here. Don't you dare go anywhere else. Stay here"

"okay" Alec rolled his eyes and looked away. Magnus ran to their room. Alec's heart was kinda hurt but he knew proposing to Magnus after a big fight like was a dumb idea. 'I think this is the weirdest proposal ever. No rings, flowers, wine or chocolate or anything. I just proposed to him out of blue. Getting rejected it is not surprising" Alec sighed. Alec turned when he heard Magnus's foot steps. Magnus's face was lightened up with this stupid grin Alec loved so much so if he could get that even after that dumb proposal, may be their life like this is good.

"I have a surprise for you" Magnus said.

"What is it?" "Well, actually I planned this last year. But I felt it was too soon and you didn't want it. So I waited. Actually I was going to give up on this idea but, if what you really mean what you said few minutes ago..." Magnus went to one kneel in front Alec. Alec was taken back and was going to take a strap back literally but Magnus stopped him by pulling his trouser leg. Magnus got something from his back pocket. A box. And no more explanation needed. Alec gasped.

"Magnus.. This.. "

"you just proposed to me and I know this is weird but I'm gonna propose to you again. Alexander Gideon Lightwood, will you marry me Magnus Bane and make me the happiest man in the world" Alec's legs gave up and he just sat on the floor. Now both were looking at each other's eyes.

"You must be kidding me" Alec said. "What, first of all answer the question"

"oh yeah.. I mean YES" Alec pulled Magnus and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Yes , Yes Magnus." Magnus smiled widely when he heard Alec's answer. Magnus pulled back from the hug and cupped Alec's face.

"Sorry I hurt you before. I thought.. I thought you didn't want this. I hid those ring for a year. Actually I was going to give it to you in for your birthday"

"Why did you think, I don't want this. I want this more than anything Magnus. I.. I love you and I can't see a future with anyone else other than you"

"Really?" "Really" Alec smiled softly and leaned forward.

"Now give me a kiss, my fiancé"

"Gladly" Magnus grinned and gave Alec a breath taking kiss. It was their first kiss after the silly proposal and the word 'fiancé' just made Magnus feel butterflies in his stomach. Magnus sighed softly as he pulled Alec more into the kiss.

"Love.. You" Alec mumbled while kissing Magnus.

"Love you too" Magnus said while kissing Alec breathlessly. Somehow the kiss turned more and more heated.

"Shall we Take this to room?" Alec asked while removing Magnus's shirt.

"No.. I need a change." Alec smirked.

"As you wish" Alec's hand went to down to remove Magnus's trouser and his hand stopped when he looked at the ring on his finger.

"What is it?" Magnus asked when Alec suddenly stopped.

"It's beautiful" Alec replied still looking at the silver ring on his finger.

"I'm glad you like it" Magnus smiled softly. Even his voice was soft.

"I love it Magnus." Alec's eyes were getting teary.

"Don't you dare cry like a baby"

"Look who is talking. You are already crying"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. Admit it"

"Maybe a bit" Magnus blushed. They might be crazily in love but that didn't stop them from bickering time to time. Alec couldn't help Magnus looked so damn adorable and lovely. He just hugged Magnus tightly and kissed his cheek.

"You are so freaking adorable. What am I going to do with you"

"Marry me"

"About that, of course I'm gonna do it" Alec smiled.

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