Chapter 10

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Magnus kissed Mary's cheek before leaving the house.

"Call me. Okay? I'll come tomorrow too. Call me whenever you want. At anytime. On second thought, I'll stay."

"Little devil" Mary chuckled.

"I'm okay. I'll call you. I promise. I'll call you early in the morning. Now go. It's already too late."

"But Ma"

"Tell him Alec"

"Yes Magnus. She'll call you and you have to open the restaurant tomorrow." Magnus sighed.

"Okay." Magnus accept the defeat.

"Take care"

              Magnus kissed Mary one more time on her cheeks and put on his coat. Alec was already ready. Magnus was such a drama queen. He always thought about the worst scenarios so he was so afraid to leave Mary alone. But Jem was living next door to Mary and he had a key to Mary's house just in case. Magnus and Alec left the house.

           Magnus's mind was still with Mary and he didn't know how to talk with Alec without bickering when they were alone.

"She'll be alright. Don't worry" Finally Alec broke the silence between them.

"I hope so." Again both fell into silence. Now it was Magnus's time to start a conversation.

"Thanks for coming. She really likes talking with you. Even though I don't understand what she sees in you."

"You always have to finish a compliment with a sarcastic comment. Don't you?"

"I said the truth."

"You know nothing about me Magnus and I guess I don't know much about you either"

"I know enough. I know that you and Jace are really arrogant"

"We are not"

"Yes you are. You didn't talk to me when we were in middle school just because I'm you mom's rival's son."

"That was a mistake."

"How is that a mistake?"

"Okay listen."

            Alec stopped walking and and stopped Magnus by his hand. Magnus looked at his hand and where Alec was holding him. His heart stopped for a minute when Alec suddenly stopped him. "

What?" Magnus's voice came a bit louder than he was supposed.

"Yes, we were not friendly to you because you were our rival's son and all those rumors about you being a player.."

"I am no such a thing. Just because I swing both ways doesn't mean I'm a player"

"Now I know that. But we didn't know that before. We thought it was true. Because whenever we saw you, you were wearing makeup."

"So now you are good to me because I'm not wearing makeup?" Magnus's insecurities were coming back. Magnus shut himself because of what Camile said to him when they were dating.

"NO" Alec replied quickly.

"Now I kinda know who you really are. I saw you with Mary. You are not what I thought."

           Magnus looked down. Alec didn't say anything about wearing makeup.  Magnus looked back at his and Alec's hands and the slowly pulled his hand back.  But Alec stopped him.

"And you look good" Magnus looked back at Alec. Because of the darkness he couldn't see Alec's blushing face.

"You look good even if you wear make up or not"

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