Chapter 18

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         Alec left for his course and it's been 6 months since he left. He called Magnus everyday. And came back NewYork during the summer vacation yet... Magnus missed him so much. So much that Magnus couldn't help but cry to his sleep. Alec on other hand was suffering as well. After some longs days he wanted nothing but to cuddle with Magnus but he could only go back to his cold apartment and call Magnus in middle of the night.

           But they were working on their relationship as much as he could. But not so long ago Alec got a news. It could be good or bad as Magnus takes it. Alec got an opportunity to study further and open his own restaurant in Paris. Alec didn't tell it to Magnus yet because Magnus was waiting patiently till Alec comes back to New York. As soon as Alec tell this news to Magnus, Alec was sure he had to face a real drama for about a whole month. But he had to share this with Magnus as well. May be Magnus will be happy for him. After all he is his fiancé. And Alec decided to tell it to Magnus today. After two rings Magnus answered. He looked sleepy.

"Hey baby" Alec smiled.

"Hey..." Magnus smiled sleepily.

"You were sleeping?"

"I don't know when I fell asleep. Argh... I'm not going to give any vacations to Raphael anymore. Without him, I have to do everything myself" Alec giggled.

"Oh... Looks your son is here" Magnus turned the camera to chairman.

"Oh my cutie. I miss him so much. Give him a kiss for me"

"Who is going to give me a kiss ?" Magnus asked.

"You are not allowed to. Only I can kiss you" Magnus rolled his eyes. His fiancé was over protective. And Magnus loved it secretly.

"What is it?" Magnus suddenly asked. Magnus could see Alec was trying to tell something.


"Alexander, tell me.."

"Well, the thing is.. Um.. Chef Andrew.. "

"Yeah.. Go on."

"Chef Andrew told me that I ... I can learn further in here for another year. So .."

"That's .. That's great Alexander.. But.."

"Yeah.. Yeah I know. We can't stay away for that long.. But I was wondering.." Alec gulped.

"Do you like to come here and start a restaurant with me? In here? In heart of Paris?" He said it. Magnus was just starting at him. But Alec could see how Magnus's expressions changed. Magnus was happy for him. But.. Everything he had in NewYork mean a lot to Magnus.

"But My restaurant? Your restaurant? And our Ma?" When Magnus mentioned about Mary, Alec felt he kinda lost the battle. "we.. We can take her to here with us"

"Alexander.. That's not gonna happen.. And my restaurant. It's my mother's. I.. I can't leave it just like that.."

"Magnus.." Alec was pleading.

"Alexander.. I .. I can't do it."

"Raphael will take care of it just like how Izzy and Jace now take care of my restaurant. I always wanted to open a restaurant with you. I.. I can't stay away from you for that long. And you deserve this. You.. You didn't apply for the competition because of me. But if you applied we both know it is you in my position right now."

"Babe.. I ... Give me time.. I .. I can't decide. This..."

"I know.. I'm being so selfish right now." Alec looked down.

"I'm sorry."

"No.. It's okay. I understand. Give me sometime" Alec nodded. But he knew that is not gonna change. Maybe he should come back after completing the current course.

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